What activity provides the budget authority?

What activity provides the budget authority?

appropriations act

Who provides budget authority for the DoD?


What is internal reprogramming?

Internal Reprogramming Actions. DD 1415-3, Internal Reprogramming, actions are audit-trail type actions processed within the Department to serve various needs. One is to reclassify funds for proper execution into a different line item, program element, or appropriation than that in which the funds were appropriated.

Does approval for reprogramming must always involve Congress?

This preview shows page 18 – 19 out of 19 pages. -Approval for reprogramming must always involve Congress. *Question: The Life Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCE) uses the work breakdown structure to show costs by system and subsystem.

How are funds allowed to be reprogrammed?

Reprogramming is the use of “funds in an appropriations account for purposes other than those contemplated at the time of appropriation.” Specifically, when an agency reprograms funds, it is moving funds within an appropriation (i.e. from one “budget activity” to another “budget activity”).

What is above threshold reprogramming?

The BTR thresholds represent the cumulative amount that may be reprogrammed over the life of the appropriation. No BTR increase or decrease may exceed the above thresholds or 20 percent, whichever is less, of the appropriated level for each Procurement line item or RDT&E program element.

What are the four basic types of reprogramming actions?

These thresholds vary according to the type of appropriation. The four major types of appropriation for reprogramming are Procurement, RDT&E, Operations and Maintenance (O&M), and Military Personnel.

What is omnibus reprogramming?

During FY 1991, the concept of an “omnibus” reprogramming action (prior approval) was initiated to streamline the reprogramming process for the congressional committees and the Department. The following defines those actions requiring prior congressional approval or congressional notification.

When an agency reprograms funds there is no change in the total amount?

No. Moving funds from one appropriation into another appropriation is an unauthorized augmentation of funds and a violation of the Purpose Statute, 31 USC § 1301(a). When an agency “reprograms” funds, there is no change in the total amount available in the appropriations account.

What should you advise the Contracting Officer?

What should you advise the contracting officer? The contracting officer should not award this contract. To do so would violate the bona fide needs rule.

Can CSTC pay for all of this?

Yes, CSTC-A can pay for all this. CSTC-A is a multinational U.S led military organization that aims at training and equipping security forces of Afghanistan. CSTC-A mission includes: Budgeting, accounting and executing more than $50 billion in Afghanistan security force funds.

At what point must the bona fide need exist?

The bona fide needs rule is a rule of appropriations law. It mandates that a fiscal year’s appropriations only be obligated to meet a legitimate—or bona fide—need arising in (or sometimes before) the fiscal year for which the appropriation was made.

What type of funds are subject to the bona fide needs rule?

The Bona Fide Need rule (31 USC, Section 1502) requires appropriated funds to be used only for goods and services for which a need arises during the period of that appropriation’s availability for obligation.

Do no year funds expire?

Funds expire after one year and are no longer available to incur new obligations; Funds cancel two years after expiration and are no longer available for obligation or expenditure for any purpose and are returned to the U.S. Treasury.

Can severable services be incrementally funded?

Whether a contract is for severable or nonseverable services affects how the agency may fund the contract; severable services contracts may be incrementally funded, while nonseverable services contracts must be fully funded at the time of the award of the contract.

What is the difference between severable and non-severable services?

As used in this chapter, a multiple year appropriation means an appropriation that is available for obligation for a definite period of time in excess of one fiscal year. A non-severable service represents a single undertaking that cannot be feasibly subdivided.

Can you incrementally fund a FFP contract?

Worse, most contract writing systems will not support an incrementally funded FFP contract. The checks and balances may force you to describe the FFP as the funded amount. Most will not allow partial billing.

What does non-severable contract mean?

(b) “Non-severable services” means work that results in a final product or end-item and for which benefit is received only when the entire project is complete, such as systems design, building conversion, or environmental study. Contracts for goods or non-severable services are not similarly limited.

Can non-severable services cross fiscal years?

The performance period of a fixed price non-severable services contract may cross fiscal years, but must be fully funded in the initial fiscal year unless contract funding requirements exists set forth at DFARS 232.703-1(1)(ii).

What does severable mean in law?

A severable contract is a contract with two or more agreements that are distinct enough to where the unenforceability or breach of one does not nullify the enforceability of the other. Generally, a party who fails to fully perform a contract cannot recover for part performance.

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