What is FMR code?

What is FMR code?

Financial Management Report (FMR)

What is the purpose of financial management regulation 7000.14 R?

DoD Instruction 7000.14-R, “Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRs),” is the DoD-wide regulation that guides financial management for accounting, budgeting, financing, and financial management education and training.

How long does the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation give an individual?

How long does the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation give an individual discovering a possible Antideficiency Act violation to report it to his/her chain of command and the Financial Management Comptroller? 5 working days.

How long does the Department of Defense DoD Financial Management Regulation FMR give an individual discovering a possible Antideficiency Act violation to report it to their chain of command?

within 10 working days

Which conversational taboos should you avoid?

Conversation taboos Keep the conversation light and avoid any personal topics like finances, political or religious opinions, and any discussions that may appear racist or sexist.

What is CICA government contracting?

The CICA provides for full and open competition in the awarding of government contracts. The procedure includes sealed bidding and competitive proposals. CICA mandates that any contract expected to be greater than $25,000 must be advertised at least 15 days prior to bid solicitation.

When can accountable officers be held Pecuniarily liable?

Departmental accountable officials shall be pecuniarily liable for illegal, improper or incorrect payments that result from information, data or services they negligently provide to a certifying officer, and upon which, the certifying officer directly relies in accordance with the provisions of 10 U.S.C.

What are the departmental accountable officials responsible for?

Departmental Accountable Officials are pecuniarily liable for illegal, improper, or incorrect payments resulting from their fault or negligence.

Can length of service be used to mitigate negligence?

Answer: True Length of service may be used to mitigate negligence.

Which of the following is a defense against pecuniary liability?

8. Which of the following IS a defense against pecuniary liability? ANS: Followed established procedures.

What is the best way for a certifying officer to prevent pecuniary liability?

What is the best way for a Certifying Officer to prevent pecuniary liability? By only certifying travel documents that are legal, proper, and correct.

Which of the following is the best definition for pecuniary liability?

A personal, joint, or corporate monetary obligation to make good any lost, damaged, or destroyed property resulting from fault or neglect. It may also result under conditions stipulated in a contract or bond.

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