What Canadian city is closest to Detroit?

What Canadian city is closest to Detroit?


How far is Windsor from USA?


Windsor, CA 42.3001 -83.0165
Detroit, US 42.3314 -83.0458
Miles: 2.63
Kilometers: 4.23
Bearing: NW

How many hours is Michigan from Canada?

Flying time from Michigan to Canada The total flight duration from Michigan to Canada is 2 hours, 58 minutes.

Can you cross into Canada from Detroit without a passport?

According to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), all U.S. and Canadian travelers must present “a passport or other document that denotes identity and citizenship when entering the U.S.”

Is it safe in Detroit?

Detroit is generally safe for tourists, though some neighborhoods are best avoided. A crime that does occur is mainly between members of street gangs or individuals who know each other, and in areas that are of no interest to visitors. Avoid sketchy neighborhoods and take normal precaution measures.

Is it safe to walk around Detroit?

The tourist areas of Detroit are as safe as any major city. The crime problems are in the neighborhoods you would have no reason to be in to begin with. The Riverfront, Foxtown, Greektown, Midtown, The District etc are all big city safe areas and likely where you will spend most of your time.

Is it safe to walk in Detroit at night?

Mostly yes, though beware pickpockets and other types of small-time criminals who make their living by preying on travelers.

Are there any nice areas in Detroit?

Other safe, worthwhile Detroit areas include Midtown, Corktown, West Village, Belle Isle, Eastern Market, and Greektown—each of which has exciting restaurants and places to explore.

What is the most dangerous city in the UK?

Cleveland tops Britain’s blacklist and replaces West Yorkshire as the most dangerous region in the country, with sky-high rates of violent crime and criminal damage.

What is the most dangerous city in Canada?

Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Canada

  • Thompson, Man.
  • North Battleford, Sask.
  • Portage la Prairie, Man.
  • Prince Albert, Sask.
  • Quesnel, B.C.
  • Wetaskiwin, Alta.
  • Selkirk, Man.
  • Terrace, B.C.

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