Can you wash a flute?

Can you wash a flute?

To clean the body, the same precedure is applied. Gently push to cleaner inside the body of the flute, whilst twisting slowly. Do not attempt to reach all of the way through the flute from one end. Aim for the middle and then turn the flute around and do the same again.

Why does my flute smell?

usually when my headjoint starts getting funky it’s been because of saliva. I usually put the case in a safe place and leave it open to air out. If the smell is coming from the humidity that wouldn’t help much.

Why is my flute rusting?

Flutes turn brown due to tarnish. The tarnish is the result of a chemical reaction between the silver of a flute and the various compounds it comes into contact with. Tarnish on a flute is not an immediate problem, and will not significantly affect the sound of a flute.

Can you get rid of rust on a flute?

Take a tooth brush and tooth paste and scrub your flute down with it. Make sure you use lukewarm water before and after to rinse it off. I tarnished my flute by accidentally soaking it in 3% hydrogen peroxide for too long so it got all tarnished but the toothpaste helped it a lot. To disinfect it I use mouthwash.

Why is my flute turning purple?

When silver sulfide forms on the surface of your flute, it darkens the silver. There is some level of sulfur in air alone.

How do you stop a flute from rusting?

Care for your flute like you would care for silverware.

  1. Order your Anti-Tarnish Strips HERE (or find them somewhere else)
  2. When they arrive, keep them in an airtight package/ziplock type bag.
  3. Place one inside your flute case- right on top of the flute itself.
  4. Replace it every 6 – 9 months.

Can you use rubbing alcohol to clean a flute?

regular maintenance Never use silver polish or any other cleaner on your flute. To clean your flute use “saliva” or rubbing alcohol on your cloth. To keep pads clean, don’t eat candy or chew gum before playing and never while playing.

What is the brown stuff on my flute?

Over time, silver reacts with air to produce a thin surface layer of oxidisation in the form of silver sulphide. Depending on the type of silver used, this tarnish can appear as black, brown or cloudy grey patches. Silver-plated flutes are the norm for student to intermediate level instruments.

Do anti tarnish strips work?

If you value your jewelry or other fine metal work then anti-tarnish strips are a necessity. Anti-tarnish strips can protect jewelry and prevent tarnish, even if the items are stored for many years. Thus, anti-tarnish strips are quite different from rust protectants.

How long should flute pads last?

3-6 years

Do flutes need maintenance?

Your flute should be cleaned, oiled, and adjusted at least once a year by a qualified flute repair technician. Typically referred to as a COA appointment, regular annual maintenance by a professional is essential to the proper care and maintenance of your flute.

How much does it cost to service a flute?

Typically the cost to professional clean a flute will cost around $50 every few months depending on the frequency of usage. The cost can vary based on location, the state of the flute, and the musical instrument technician but generally will cost around $50.

How do I know if my flute is broken?

Look for fraying, peeling, puffing, or tears in the “skin” of the pads. If you see any of these, your flute can limp along for a while, but probably needs repair depending on the severity of the tears. Some bubbling or dirtiness is possibly okay.

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