Which literal detail of the inferno most likely connects to the symbolic idea of going in a spiritual journey within one self?

Which literal detail of the inferno most likely connects to the symbolic idea of going in a spiritual journey within one self?

Answer: B)Dante journeys from the outer circle to the inner circles of hell most likely connects to the symbolic idea of “going in a spiritual journey within oneself”.

Which literary detail of the inferno most likely connects to the symbolic?

Dante wanders from the clearly marked trail on his journey through the woods. Which literal detail of the Inferno most likely connects to the symbolic idea of “dealing with one’s faults before continuing on the right path in life”? Dante travels through Hell to find his way to Heaven.

Which line from the inferno best reflect?

The lines from the inferno that best reflect Dante’s message that “it’s better to live a Christian life than suffer in Hell for eternity” are: O vengeance of God, how much you ought to be / Held in fear by everyone who reads / The things that were revealed before my eyes! (Canto XIV, lines 16 – 18).

What is one way that setting is important to the inferno?

The setting is important because Dante’s reactions to various sinners don’t change from beginning to end. The setting is important because the organization of Hell into nine circles reflects Dante’s belief in an orderly universe.

What is one way that setting can affect a story?

Setting is the time and place where a scene occurs. It can help set the mood, influence the way characters behave, affect the dialog, foreshadow events, invoke an emotional response, reflect the society in which the characters live, and sometimes even plays a part in the story.

What example best describes a change of medium?

Answer Expert Verified It can be a book, a play, a poem, a movie, a ballet dance, a painting, a sculpture, etc. The change of “media” occurs when changing the work or Dante Alighieri from the paper to the theatre. In other words, the change from literary art to visual art in this case, is the change of “media”.

What is a major difference between Dores and Blakes?

Doré’s illustrations depict characters and settings in a realistic way, while Blake’s illustrations show a more unrealistic and stylized version of the story.

Which statement about the inferno is true?

The correct answer is C. Dante wrote the Inferno in response to the events that caused his exile.

Which detail from Dante’s poem is not found in Blake’s illusion?

this man does not approach Instructed by your sister but comes here In order to observe your punishments.” Just as the bull breaks loose right at that moment When he has been dealt the fatal blow And cannot run but jumps this way and that, So I saw the Minotaur react.” The detail of the Minotaur biting himself is not …

What is a major difference between Dores and Blake’s illustration of Dantes inferno apex?

What is a major difference between Doré’s and Blake’s illustrations of Dante’s Inferno? A. Doré depicts Dante with a condescending attitude toward sinners, while Blake depicts Dante as a somber observer of sinners being punished.

Which aspect of Dante’s Inferno is most likely?

The answer is B. The punishment for each sin in Hell.

What aspect of Dante’s Inferno is most likely to give insight into the authors perspective the course of the River Styx?

The correct answer is (A. The people who are seen suffering in hell.

Which statement about the inferno is best supported by the use of evidence?

Answer: C. Canto XX shows Dante’s compassionate side when he weeps for the false prophets’ disfigured bodies.

What is most likely Dante’s purpose for including this scene?

What is most likely Dante’s purpose for including this scene? A. To show the audience that he believed Boniface deserved to be in Hell as well.

What is Dante’s reason?

What is one reason Dante most likely wrote the Inferno? To take revenge on the people in Florence who hurt him. What is one of the higher purposes of literature that an author might undertake? Uncovering hidden truths about life.

What element of Dante’s Inferno shows the reader that he believes some sins are worse then others?


Which element of Dante’s Inferno shows the reader that he wants to expose corruption in the church?

The correct answer is B. Dante’s Inferno attacks the corruption in the Catholic Church by placing many church leaders among the sinners in Hell.

Why did Dante write the inferno?

Dante wrote Inferno while in political exile from Florence, and he used it as a vehicle to express his political beliefs and take comfort in imagining bad ends for his enemies. However, the poem’s main purpose is, to quote Milton, to “justify the ways of God to Men.”

Which statement about the inferno is best supported by the use of evidence from the text Brainly?

The correct answer is C. Dante’s view of traitors as the worst of a sinner is evident when he shows that they reside in the final ring of Hell.

What political group did Dante belong to?

Dante’s family was loyal to the Guelphs, a political alliance that supported the Papacy and which was involved in complex opposition to the Ghibellines, who were backed by the Holy Roman Emperor.

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