What period did the centrosaurus live in?

What period did the centrosaurus live in?

83.6 million years ago – 70.6 million years ago (Campanian)

What does the name centrosaurus mean?

The name Centrosaurus means “pointed lizard” (from Greek kentron, κέντρον, “point or prickle” and sauros, σαῦρος, “lizard”), and refers to the series of small hornlets placed along the margin of their frills, not to the nasal horns (which were unknown when the dinosaur was named).

How big is a centrosaurus?

20 ft.

Did dinosaurs eat berries?

A: Most dinosaurs ate plants, just like most animals today. But some ate meat. We also guess that some ate insects and fruits. The plant-eaters ate ferns and herbs and leaves from trees.

Do Dinosaurs Eat apples?

Dinosaurs even had plants with fruit on them! Imagine going apple picking with dinosaurs. That could sure make it easier to reach that fruit at the top of the tree!

Were there any omnivorous dinosaurs?

Omnivorous dinosaurs

  • Avimimus.
  • Beipiaosaurus.
  • Caudipteryx.
  • Chirostenotes.
  • Citipati.
  • Coloradisaurus.
  • Deinocheirus.
  • Dromiceiomimus.

Did Dinosaurs Eat pineapples?

— A new study claims that dinosaurs probably got extinct because they liked pineapple on their pizzas. This is suggested by a group of scientists by the University of Juan Perez in New Mexico, who came to this conclusion after analyzing several samples of dinosaurs.

What did dinosaurs drink?

Floodplain dinosaurs slurped from local rivers, while forest dinosaurs drank water rich in minerals that had circulated through the rocks, picking up volcanic salts on the way.

Are giraffes dinosaurs?

No. Brachiosaurus was a dinosaur that lived around 150 million years ago. By the time that Brachiosaurus became extinct, there were already early mammals called Eutheria living alongside the dinosaurs. The Eutheria gave rise to the placental mammals and then the Artiodactyla and, eventually, the modern giraffe.

How old is water that we drink?

The water on our Earth today is the same water that’s been here for nearly 5 billion years.

Is Water Made on Earth?

Water is abundant in space and is made up of hydrogen created in the Big Bang and oxygen released from dying stars. Earth was moulded from rocks that came from the inner solar system where the fierce heat of the Sun would have boiled away any water. So, according to the textbooks, water must have come later.

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