Can cats have kits in StarClan?

Can cats have kits in StarClan?

Can starclan cats have kits? * There is a slim chance they can have kits, to do this note the group about having kits in star clan (the founder will roll a pair of D20 dice, if either numbers is a 2 or 3 your cat can get pregnant.)

How old are warrior cat kits?

six moons

What was the great hunger in Warriors?

The Great Hunger was a starvation epidemic that took place in Goosefeather’s Curse, killing several ThunderClan cats.

How did Cloudtail die?

He is assigned to the hunting patrol with Longtail when the tabby warrior is scratched in the eyes by a rabbit, permanently blinding him. When a badger makes its way onto ThunderClan territory, one of Cloudtail’s Clanmates, Willowpelt, is trampled by it, resulting in her death.

Did firestar really kill Cloudtail?

Cloudtail tried to speak but Firestar put his paw over Cloudtail’s eye then bent down to sink his teeth in his throat. Cloudtail gurgulled on his blood until the blood splurted on him and he was dead.

Who does Cloudtail love?

Cloudtail rekindles his love with Brightheart.

Is Tallstar a girl?

Tallstar is a black-and-white tom with a very long tail and amber eyes. Tallstar was a leader of WindClan in the forest territories.

Who is Ashfur’s mate?


How does Mousefur die?

As an elder, Mousefur retained her sharp tongue. She cultivated a strong friendship with Longtail and Purdy. Mousefur was slain during the Great Battle and the whole Clan grieved her loss, and later gave Bramblestar a life for pride in ThunderClan.

Who are Longtails parents?


Who are Mousefurs parents?


Who is the most prettiest warrior cat?

Top 10 Prettiest and Most Beautiful Female Warrior Cats

  • Dovewing Dovewing is a character in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.
  • Brambleberry.
  • Willowbreeze.
  • Mistystar.
  • Cinderpelt A medicine cat from the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter.
  • Half Moon.

Is Millie dead warrior cats?

When Briarpaw broke her spine, Millie spent a majority of her time fretting over her daughter and ignoring her other kits. After she retired to the elders’ den, Millie’s health began to decline. She died being surrounded by her kin and ascended to StarClan afterwards.

Is Feathertail a girl?

I’ll face it loyal to my Clan.” Feathertail is a slender, soft-furred, silver tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes, a plumy tail, and a broad face.

Is Yellowfang a girl or a boy?


Clan: StarClan
Past Clans: ThunderClan, ShadowClan
Gender: She-cat

Does Lionblaze die?

He grows angered when he discovers he can get injured, such as tripping over roots. Cinderheart festers over him, though Dovewing insists he is still the strongest and bravest warrior in ThunderClan. When a fox attacks the patrol, Lionblaze kills it.

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