Why does George show Michaelis a dog leash?

Why does George show Michaelis a dog leash?

George says he found the leash the day before, “wrapped in tissue paper on Myrtle’s bureau”, and the discovery rightly confirmed his suspicions that Myrtle was having an affair. He recalls that he spoke to her about it, telling her “God knows what you’ve been doing, everything you’ve been doing.

What are 3 symbols in The Great Gatsby?

Three symbols in The Great Gatsby are the green light, the valley of the ashes, and Gatsby’s clothing. The green light symbolizes Gatsby’s dream of being with Daisy. The valley of the ashes represents the dichotomy between the lives of the rich and the poor.

Why did Myrtle want a dog?

It is interesting that Myrtle wants a dog for several reasons. First, dogs are known as “man’s best friend,” and something within Myrtle seems to stir toward loyalty. She isn’t being loyal to her husband, and her lover is married himself; yet, here she is, reaching out for something to fulfill this void in her life.

What happened to Myrtle at the end of chapter 2?

Myrtle lords it over her guests and reveals how miserable she is in her marriage. It’s also clear that Tom has been lying to Myrtle about his own marriage in order to string her along. The party breaks up after Tom punches Myrtle in the face and breaks her nose.

Did Nick sleep with Mr McKee?

Not only does the ellipsis itself imply Nick and Mr. McKee did not sleep together or even if Fitzgerald did not mean to imply as much, the fact that Mr. McKee and Nick are together in their underwear is not typical for two heterosexual men in the 1920s.

Why does Myrtle regret marrying her husband Wilson?

What reason did Myrtle give for marrying George Wilson? She had to do something to get away from her abusive parents. She did it to spite George’s former girlfriend. She thought he was a gentleman; later she found out differently.

Does Nick Carraway have a drinking problem?

Nick Carraway became an alcoholic the moment he arrived in New York. Although he didn’t have a drink until his second day there, he became addicted to the city, its vibe, and its people. But with those three great characteristics of New York City came the great catch 22: Alcoholism.

Why does Nick get drunk for the second time in his life?

Tom tells Myrtle to stop saying Daisy’s name. Myrtle, of course, says “Daisy, Daisy, Daisy.” and then Tom breaks her nose. Nick gets too drunk to remember how he got into bed.

Does Tom really love Daisy?

They thought they were a perfect combination of the ideal wealthy couple. Daisy has been brought up being a pretty object. She was an object to Tom; however, he did truly love her. When Tom’s mistress, Myrtle, called out Daisy’s name, Tom became outraged and hit her.

Who does Daisy really love?

Key Questions and Answers She tells Gatsby, “You always look so cool,” and everyone else can see that “[s]he had told him that she loved him.” However, Daisy chooses Tom in the end and even lets him tell George that it was Gatsby who killed Myrtle.

Did Jay Gatsby kill anyone?

Yes, he killed many. There is an irony in Gatsby’s story, since his bravado, willingness to risk his life and to take many others is rewarded.

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