What happened to Longtails eyes?

What happened to Longtails eyes?

However, Longtail is blinded while hunting a rabbit that turned on him and scratched his eyes, rendering him unable to to hunt or fight properly.

Did Darkstripe have a mate?

The Forgotten Warrior, Darkstripe is seen looking up admiringly at the leaders of the Dark Forest, of whom Tigerstar is among. 14. He has no mate or kits that we know of and (as far as I am aware) he does not seems to look at any she-cats in the same sort of way he looks at Tigerstar (with admiration and adoration).

Who is Brightheart’s parents?


Is Ravenpaw a scourge?

Viperfrost again, here to talk about Scourge, the cutthroat ruler of Bloodclan, and Ravenpaw, the nervous apprentice of Tigerclaw. Ravenpaw and Scourge both started out as small, nervous cats that were bullied and traumatized into fleeing.

Who is Jayfeather’s mate?


Who loves Cinderpelt?

When Cinderpelt was full medicine cat, she and Firestar remained quite close. Cinderpelt later trained Firestar’s daughter Leafpool as a medicine cat. The Erins stated that Cinderpelt was always in love with Firestar but never told him and he never knew.

Why is Jaypaw blind?

Originally Answered: Why is Jayfeather blind? At first, he was born with sight. Then, when he was a couple moons old, he was playing with his littermates, and he felled into a thorn bush. Some thorns got into his eyes, therefor making him blind.

Who is Whitestorm’s mate?

Whitestorm became mates with Brindleface, who gave birth to his kits, Ferncloud, Ashfur, Tulipkit, and Elderkit. Later he was also mates with Willowpelt, who gave birth to Sorreltail, Sootfur, and Rainwhisker.

Who are Whitestorm’s parents?


Who killed Runningwind?


Does Blackstar go to StarClan?

Blackstar was a ShadowClan leader in the forest and lake territories. He led his Clan through the Great Journey, but a rogue named Sol influenced the ShadowClan leader to abandon StarClan until StarClan themselves appeared to restore his faith.

Who is Tigerstar’s deputy?

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