What does it mean to donut someone?

What does it mean to donut someone?

American English (You Donut) In informal speech the phrase is used to highlight stupidity. E.g. You Donut. An individual whom is extremely stupid. Lacks intelligence and common sense.

What donut mean in a text?

Donut is slang for “Someone who doesn’t even have common sense. Someone who is not that intelligent. Someone who is basically stupid.”

Why is it called a donut?

They were originally called “oily cakes.” The early Americans took the fact that the treats were fried in oil quite literally, naming them olykoeks, translating to “oily cakes.” The word ‘donut’ came soon after when a woman is said to have put nuts in the dough before frying it.

Is a donut a torus?

In the field of topology, a torus is any topological space that is homeomorphic to a torus. A coffee cup and a doughnut are both topological tori.

Is Taurus Greek or Latin?

Taurus is Latin for ‘bull’ and may refer to: Taurus (constellation), one of the constellations of the zodiac. Taurus (mythology), one of two Greek mythological characters named Taurus. Taurus (astrology), the astrological sign.

How is a torus formed?

A torus is a doughnut-shaped, three-dimensional figure formed when a circle is rotated through 360° about a line in its plane , but not passing through the circle itself.

What is a torus in architecture?

Architecture. a large convex molding, more or less semicircular in profile, commonly forming the lowest molding of the base of a column, directly above the plinth, sometimes occurring as one of a pair separated by a scotia and fillets.

Is a torus a manifold?

A torus manifold M is a 2n-dimensional orientable manifold with an effective action of an n-dimensional torus such that M^T\neq \emptyset.

Is Torus path connected?

A torus is not a simply connected surface. Neither of the two colored loops shown here can be contracted to a point without leaving the surface. A solid torus is also not simply connected because the purple loop cannot contract to a point without leaving the solid.

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