How is the story of APJ Abdul Kalam is a source of inspiration for the youth?

How is the story of APJ Abdul Kalam is a source of inspiration for the youth?

As a respected scientist, he played a critical role in the development of Indian space program. As a committed educator, he inspired millions of young people to achieve their very best and as a devoted leader, he gained support both at home and abroad, becoming known as the “People’s President”.

How does APJ Abdul Kalam inspire you?

A P J Abdul Kalam inspired me in a lot of ways but one thing which inspired me most was his reaction and adaptation to Failure. He never stopped working and dreaming just because of failure instead he worked harder. His words dream transform into thought and thoughts create action inspire me a lot.

How do stories of APJ Abdul Kalam help youngsters?

They help youngsters to look at life positively. They inspire the youth. They help them find answers to questions. They prove that we can do many seemingly impossible things if we really wish to.

How Abdul Kalam become successful?

Career As a Scientist For the Indian army, A.P.J Abdul Kalam designed a mini helicopter. Major breakthrough came when he was transferred to ISRO catering to the project of SLV-III. Being the representative of TBRL, he acted as the representative of Smiling Buddha which was the first nuclear test to be conducted.

Which country is #1 in science?

List of countries by number of scientific and technical journal articles

Rank Country Articles published (2018)
1 China 528,263
2 United States 422,808
3 India 135,788
4 Germany 104,396

Is South Africa a poor country?

It is ranked as number 54 in terms of countries with the lowest GDP per capita in Africa. On a global scale, Somalia is ranked at 188. The poorest countries in Africa are also among the poorest countries in the world….Poorest Countries In Africa 2021.

Country South Africa
GDP (IMF ’19) $371.30 Bn
GDP (UN ’16) $295.44 Bn
Per Capita $295.44 Bn

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