How do you beat the Red Dragon in Fable 2?
How to Acquire. In order to acquire it you have to score at least 175 points at the Westcliff Shooting Range. The easiest way to get over 175 points is to always aim for the head. Headshots are worth 3 points, instead of just one.
What is the strongest weapon in Fable 2?
One of the strongest weapons in Fable 2 is The Wreckager, a legendary Cutlass that can carve through opponents at rapid speeds while dealing 65 damage a swing. It has the Fear Itself, Golden Touch, and Stoneskin augments. Any swashbuckling pirate or melee enthusiasts will want this devastating weapon.
How do you beat the shooting range in Fable 2?
1. Don’t immediately move your cursor off of a target once you’ve shot it. About 3-4 times out of ten it will pop right back up. Give it a beat or two after the target’s down before moving your cursor.
How do you get Daichi in Fable 2?
Acquisition. You can find it in the dungeon called Archon’s Knot, in a chest at the end of the dungeon. Archon’s Knot is a puzzle dungeon that opens up only after you have used Garth’s Cullis Gate to get to Wraithmarsh during the main quest. You do not need to purchase Brightwood Tower in order to access it.
What is the Holy Hour in Fable 2?
In order to achieve such an esteemed title (albeit one that is not available from a Town Crier), you’ll have to donate 10,000 gold or more “at the holy hour” between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm. The time is shown on the pause screen in the top right corner; you need this clock to reach 12:00 pm.
What is the fastest way to make money in Fable 2?
When you first begin the game, get a job as a blacksmith. The blacksmith job is the most difficult way to make money in Fable 2 but when you start out, it is the most readily available. Work your way up to a 5 star Blacksmith until you’ve earned roughly $50,0000 to $60,000.
Do kids age in Fable 2?
Fable II allows the player to have their own child after entering a heterosexual marriage. Babies stay in their cribs and do not move, while the child has the traits of any of the NPC children. Before the trip to the Tattered Spire they will not age from the baby status until you return.
How do I lose weight in Fable 2?
Open up the menu screen and go into your inventory. You should find the celery in the “Food and Potions” category. Keep selecting it to eat it all up, one by one. Every time you eat one celery, you will get thinner by five points.
Can you get fat in Fable 2?
Slim and Fat Weight is gained when eating fatty foods. Eating celery can help a character to lose weight in Fable II, or eating almost any fruit/vegetable or drinking non-alcoholic drinks will have this effect in Fable III.
Can you get rid of scars in Fable 2?
Without Knothole Island, you can eventually get rid of your scars by buying Castle Fairfax and sleeping there. But you can only do that after completing the story. Buying and sleeping at Brightwood Tower might also work.
Does Fable 2 have gooder bonus?
The Bonuses Do Gooder – People will believe you to be more Good. Five Minutes of Fame – You will be slightly more famous. Health Bonus – You will have increased maximum health. Health Penalty – You will have decreased maximum health.
What is the best house in Fable 2?
The best house to buy in the whole game is the Cemetery Mansion, unfortunately it costs the same as Fairfax Castle (1mil), so you’ll have to stick with the Bookshop.
How do I become corrupt in Fable 2?
Eat meat/pies, drink beer/wine, raise the rent/prices on your buildings to like 100%, sleep in a house that has “Heart of Corruption” bonus, have sex with prostitutes/someone other than your spouse.
How do I make my dog do tricks in Fable 2?
- Press Start and go to Logbook > Personality > Dog for a list of tricks. To preform them, press RB, and trigger with your own emotes. (
- Hide snout, bunny hop, roll over, play dead, chase tail, growl.
- I don’t have a list but all the tricks are preformed when you use diferent expresions.
What is the best job in Fable 2?
In terms of earning money through jobs bartending is the best. It doesnt pay that much per modifier but its the easiest job to maintain a high modifier on. Where as the highest paying job, blacksmith, can get you way more money with the modifier but good luck keeping your modifier.
What breed is the dog in Fable 2?
Dalmatian. Bloodhound. Husky. Mutt (used to return dog back to its original state.)
Does the dog die in Fable 2?
It’s a question a lot of people have been asking about Fable 2. The answer is, no, your dog cannot die. He journeys with you through the entire game.
Does the dog die in Fable 3?
There is a bug where the dog will start limping as though injured. As there are no dog treats or elixir in Fable III, there is no way to heal him and he will continue to limp and lag behind. Your dog won’t die because of the limp but it’ll walk really slow and get left behind when you start walking or running.