How do dragonflies survive in the wild?
Dragonflies start their life in water, therefore they are often found near water: ponds, lakes, canals, streams, rivers and swamps. Some dragonflies with a short larvae cycle (a few weeks) also can live in rain puddles. Since dragonflies are very good flyers they can sometimes be found a very long way from water.
How do dragonflies kill their prey?
Dragonflies do two things when they intercept their prey: first, their front legs curve up to cage it in, cutting off its escape. Second, their hinged jaws clamp down and shred the wings of the fly, immobilizing it.
Do dragonflies have predators?
Frogs, fish, birds, and large spiders are all predators of adult dragonflies. A dragonfly baby, also called a larvae or nymph is vulnerable to the same predators.
What animal eats a dragonfly?
Who eats them? Just about everything. Birds, especially the more acrobatic fliers such as flycatchers, swallows, kingfishers, falcons and kites, eat countless dragonflies, while spiders, praying mantids, robber flies and even early-emerging bats will dine on dragonflies as well.
Do dragonflies drown in water?
Dragonflies fly low over the pool very often, but most of them don’t touch the surface and don’t drown.
Why is there a lot of dragonflies in my yard?
Dragonflies are drawn to areas where there is standing water, such as ponds, streams and wetlands. If you have a pond or stream near your land, or if recent rains have left flooded areas, this may draw dragonflies to your yard. They breed in water and feed on insects found near water, such as mosquitoes.
What does it mean when two dragonflies are stuck together?
Dragonflies can also symbolize that you’re ready for a change in your life, and they can be a great initiative to get started. If you see two dragonflies together, it can serve as a confirmation that you’re in a mature relationship that is one of a kind .