What does wisdom do in Breath of Fire?

What does wisdom do in Breath of Fire?

Intelligence, also known as I.Q. and Wisdom affects the damage dealt by magical attacks to targets and may also reduce the magical damage a character receive. It is also used for damage calculation (instead of Power) by some abilities like Mind Sword.

What is wisdom bof2?

Agility determines your Vigor. Vigor determines what order you act in combat. Wisdom determines how effective spells are. Condition determines how often Ryu and Katt can counter-attack, and how often all characters can dodge.

Do you have to destroy Nanai?

Trivia. Nanai is the only place where an IronRP can be purchased, and they cannot be found in any chests or dropped by any enemies. This means that once the city is destroyed, the IronRP can no longer be acquired, making it the only item that can only be acquired before a given point.

How do you get Bleu in bof2?

Bleu is the game’s hidden playable character, and recruiting her to the party is entirely optional. To have her join your party you must first go to Wisdon south east in the desert region which is accessible by either by whale, the Great Bird, or Township. Once in Wisdon, talk to the Wisps who will speak about Bleu.

Can you beat Tiga bof2?

In the SNES version Tiga cannot be beaten, his HP is infinite.

How do you get spar in Breath of Fire 2?

Role in Breath of Fire II Ryu and his party can come across Spar very early in the game by visiting the circus tent, but he’s not important to the plot until much later in the game when the group requires his assistance to communicate with the dying forests.

Where is the gold fly Breath of Fire 2?


How do you get the bow in Breath of Fire?

Bow is the first party member acquired, and is a mandatory party member for the the first part of the game. After completing their first mission as Rangers, Bow gets caught up in a thievery scandal and is wrongfully blamed for the theft at the Trout Mansion.

How does fishing work in Breath of Fire 2?

Fishing in breath of fire II is brutal, but if you do manage to pull the fish to Ryu without the rod breaking or the fish turning grey, you catch the fish. Then you can either sell it for money, use it as an item, or cook it in Township.

How do you get gold bars in Breath of Fire?

There is one that you can get after obtaining Karn IIRC. It is in the Bleak Cave between Bleak and Auria. He should be able to open the locked doors. Other than that, you must buy them from Gobi in one of the shops in Auria.

How do you catch mackerel in Breath of Fire 3?

Mackerel is located at the fishing spot right next to Maekyss Gorge. In order to make the best possible Shisu to get the *Shaman Ring* you want to catch a Large Mackerel about (68-70cm) you can use Worms for bait for the Mackerel.

How do I get to tunlan?

To get to Tunlan, first you have to have Katt and go to W. cape which is south of Simafort. Then talk to the man in the top left corner and he will let you through. Go down the ladder and you will see another ladder but this time there is a wall around it.

How do you get Shisu in Breath of Fire 3?

At a certain point of Breath of Fire III, you’ll need to make Shisu. The ingredients are as follows; Mackerel – caught at the fishing spot near Maekyss Gorge. It will only appear after talking to the couple there about Shisu, after having visited Parch and spoken to the Mayor.

Where is Agua in Breath of Fire?

Agua is a location within Breath of Fire. It is a shrine located on a floating island northeast of Romero. It is also has a warp point linked to Pagoda.

How do I restore my AP Breath of Fire?

Most abilities drain a fixed amount of AP when used, while a few abilities such as Ryu Bateson’s dragon abilities in Breath of Fire II drain all AP when used. Like HP, it is possible to restore AP using items or by resting. Also like HP, it is not possible to increase a character’s AP higher than his or her Max AP.

What does AB mean in Breath of Fire?

Absolute Defense

Where is Agua Breath of Fire?

How do I get WtrJr?

After coming back during the Night, talk to the Elder’s Daughter (upstairs), and then talk to the Old Woman near the village entrance. Her Zombie husband will open the way to the WtrJr. Get the WtrJr and exit the town. You must now go southwest through the woods to get to the Water Cave.

How do you get to the ease of the cave in Breath of Fire?

Ease Cave is a location in the first Breath of Fire game, located to the South of Karma Tower. It can only be accessed with Bo in the party. Nina, Ryu and Bo will need to head here shortly before entering Agua. At the bottom of the cave there is Cleansing Water, which will remove the zombies from Romero.

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