What are the different drawing conventions?

What are the different drawing conventions?

Engineering Drawing and Sketching

  • Isometric Drawing.
  • Orthographic or Multiview Drawings.
  • Dimensioning.
  • Sectioning.
  • Drawing Tools.
  • Assembly Drawings.
  • Cross-Sectional Views.
  • Half-Sections.

Why does there need to be different types of drawings?

Different Types of Lines The different options make it possible to show both visible and hidden edges of a part, centre lines, etc. The most common is a continuous line, also known as a drawing line. Hidden lines can show something that would not be otherwise visible on the drawings.

Why is it important to use appropriate drawing conventions?

Conventions are a widely used practice or procedure. Standards are a set of rules for doing things. Because drawings contain a lot of information they can easily become cluttered and not easily understood by all working with them. One way to keep them tidy and consistent is to use standards and conventions.

What is convention in building drawing?

Construction drawings communicate how something is built by showing specific assemblies and by employing architectural drawing conventions. These conventions are fairly standard throughout the industry and are used to reduce the drawing time and space needed to convey information.

Which is code number gives the various standard convention to be used in building drawing?

Explanation: IS 10711: 2001/ISO 5457: 1999 is standard for Sizes and Layout of Drawing Sheets. IS 10713: 1983/ISO 5455: 1979 is standard for Scales for use in technical drawings.

Is code board a drawing?

4.1. 2.6 The blockboard used for the manufacture of drawing boards shall conform to the requirements of 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.1 and 8.2 of IS 1659 : 1979. ( Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. ), or of aluminium or plastic.

What are drawing standards?

Drawings are used by engineers and manufacturing technologists to communicate their ideas and hence good engineering drawings follow conventions which are referred to as drawing standards. A set of working drawings is a set of drawings which contain all the information needed to manufacture a product.

What are engineering drawings called?

The process of producing engineering drawings is often referred to as technical drawing or drafting (draughting). Drawings typically contain multiple views of a component, although additional scratch views may be added of details for further explanation.

What is VP and HP?

VP: The plane in front of observer is the vertical plane. HP: The plane which is Horizontal and perpendicular to VP is Horizontal Plane. Top View (TV): The projection on the HP is called the Top View (TV) or Horizontal Projection or Plan. Note: The planes HP and VP are called Principal Planes.

What are a single and a double stroke letters?

The two types of lettering are: 1. Double Stroke Lettering: In Double Stroke Lettering the line width is greater than that of Single Stroke Lettering. Double Stroke Lettering is further divided into: a) Double Stroke Vertical Gothic Lettering.

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