Can I trust my tap water?

Can I trust my tap water?

Before deep-diving into this topic, the general answer is that the tap water is safe to drink with some caveats. Most tap water quality provided by local municipalities in the United States is of high international standard and healthy and safe to drink.

Why is tap water safer than bottled water?

Not only does bottled water contribute to excessive waste, but it costs us a thousand times more than water from our faucet at home, and it’s likely no safer or cleaner, experts say. And because the plastic is porous you’ll likely get a swill of harmful bacteria with each gulp if you reuse the bottles.

What is wrong with tap water?

Tap water contains nitrates which are linked to cancer, copper and endocrine-disruptors which are linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as plastic fibres and microplastics, the effects of which are only just beginning to be understood by scientists.

What are the pros and cons of tap water?

Although both tap and bottled water have pros and cons, tap water is generally the better option. It’s less expensive, more environmentally friendly, and less likely to contain microplastics. Furthermore, most people can’t taste a difference between the two.

Is it OK to drink purified bottled water?

Both purified water and bottled spring water are considered safe to drink according to the EPA. Those who prefer spring water often do so because they like that it contains natural minerals. Not only does that make the water more healthful than it otherwise might be, but many think minerals improve flavor as well.

What is the difference between filtered and purified water?

But what is purified water and how can you still get beneficial minerals in your pure water without the inorganic minerals, heavy metals, and harmful contaminants? All purified drinking water has been filtered, but that doesn’t mean all water that’s been filtered is considered pure.

Can purified water be used in place of filtered water?

Filtered water is one solution. Purified water usually begins as tap water as well. It will go through many purification processes, including those used for water filtration. Purified water goes a step further than filtering, with a process that removes chemical pollutants, bacteria, fungi, and algae.

Is Poland Spring water purified?

What is Poland Spring® Origin? Poland Spring ORIGIN ® is 100% Natural Spring Water that is filtered through 10,000 year old glacial aquifers, in the deep woods of Maine.

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