Is Bo valid Scrabble word?

Is Bo valid Scrabble word?

Yes, bo is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Bo a word in English?

B.O. is an abbreviation for body odour. ‘B.O.

Is there such a word as Bo?

the abbreviation for’body odor'(an unpleasant smell from a person’s body, especially of sweat) She’s got BO.

What is definition of Bo?

The definition of BO is an abbreviation for body odor, which is an unpleasant smell a person can have if he doesn’t wear enough deodorant. An example of BO is the way a person smells after he has been to the gym for two hours and sweated a lot and not showered.

What is Bo in the office?

B.O. is slang for body odor.

What does Bo stand for in text?

BO Text Messaging Abbreviation

1 BO Back Off Telecom, Technology, Chat
1 BO Because Of recent
1 BO Body Odor Medical, Chat, Slang

What is the meaning of Bo in Bank?

Branch Office

What is the full form of Ho?

Acronym Definition
HO Head Office
HO Honduras (Swan Islands)
HO Hand-Over
HO Home Office

What is Bo of a company?

What Does Business Object (BO) Mean? A business object is an actor within the business layer of a layered object-oriented computer program that represents a part of a business or an item within it.

What is the meaning of Bo in post office?

BO full form in post office is Branch Office. It is a Post Office of lower status than a Sub Office (SO). BO (Branch Office) is in direct account with a Head Office or Sub Office which is termed its accounts office and its monetary transactions are incorporated in the accounts of the latter office.

What is the full form of Bo in commerce?

Commerce) back order. 2. ( Commerce) branch office. 3. ( Banking & Finance) broker’s order.

What does so stand for in relationships?

significant other

What is beat number in India post?

The Postal department has introduced a postman beat code along with the pin code for fast delivery of letters and parcels. The new service was introduced all over the country a few months ago.

What is difference between Bo and so in post office?

A Head Post Office [H.O] is the controlling authority of All Sub Post Offices [S.O] in it’s Area. A B.O(Branch Post Office) is under the same PIN Code of S.O of that Area and all Daily Mail, Speed Post, Registered Post, M.O are collected from B.O and sent to S.O Delivery of that Area.

What works are done in post office?

A post office is a public facility that provides mail services, such as accepting letters and parcels, providing post office boxes, and selling postage stamps, packaging, and stationery.

What is RMS in India post?

Railway Mail Services (RMS) – India Post.

What is Ma RMS?

Pincode of Ghaziabad Ma RMS TMO, Uttar Pradesh is 201014 Kanpur (/ˈkɑːnpʊər/ pronunciation ; formerly Cawnpore; Devanāgarī: कानपुर) is the largest city in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. It is the 75th largest city in the world.

What is full form of TMO in post office?

The Full Form of TMO is Transit Mail Office.

What is RMS l2u?

Railway Mail Service (RMS) is a mail transportation and distribution system that is part of the Department of Posts (DoP), India. RMS is responsible for sorting and despatch of all mail carried by rail. We have found 26 more results for RMS. Root Mean Square.

What are the full form of RMS?

Full form of RMS is (Root Mean Square)

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