How do you know if TB treatment is working?

How do you know if TB treatment is working?

Physical Signs That TB Treatment Is Working Overall improvement in the way one feels. Weight gain. Increased appetite. Improvement in strength and stamina.

How can we reduce the side effects of TB drugs?


  • Can be due to TB drugs causing stomach irritation.
  • Take drugs embedded in banana.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Eat nutritious food.
  • Inform and consult your doctor / nurse.

When is the best time to take TB medication?

The medications work best if they are taken all together one hour before, or two hours after, food and preferably with water. Ideally, the medications should be taken at the same time each day. For patients who have nausea, the medications can be taken with light food (eg, dry toast).

How long should you take TB medication?

You will need to take TB medicine for at least 2 to 3 weeks before you can no longer spread TB germs to other people. Even if you start to feel better, you will need to stay on medicine to be cured. You will need to take several kinds of pills for at least 6 months.

Can TB spread while on medication?

Even before a TB diagnosis, people can unwittingly transmit tuberculosis to others. People with symptomatic TB are contagious until they have taken their TB medications for at least two weeks. After that point, treatment must continue for months, but the infection is no longer contagious.

What is the fastest way to cure TB?

The usual treatment is:

  1. 2 antibiotics (isoniazid and rifampicin) for 6 months.
  2. 2 additional antibiotics (pyrazinamide and ethambutol) for the first 2 months of the 6-month treatment period.

Can you survive tuberculosis without treatment?

Without treatment, tuberculosis can be fatal. Untreated active disease typically affects your lungs, but it can affect other parts of your body, as well.

What should not eat in tuberculosis?

As a TB patient, you must avoid caffeine, refined sugar and flour, sodium, and bottled sauces. Foods containing saturated and trans fats worsen the TB symptoms of diarrhoea and abdominal cramping and fatigue. Additionally, alcohol and tobacco are a definite no-no during the disease treatment and cure phase.

Which fruit is best for TB patient?

Fruits and vegetables like orange, mango, sweet pumpkin and carrots, guava, amla, tomato, nuts and seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin A, C and E. These foods must be included in the daily diet regime of a TB patient.

Is lemon good for TB patient?

A healthy eating plan can be achieved by including the following food groups in your diet: Vegetables and fruits – leafy greens and antioxidant-rich fruits such as spinach, carrots, squash, peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, cherries, oranges, lemons, etc.

Is exercise good for TB patient?

Recommended exercise during treatment for TB For those patients that are fighting their symptoms of TB, the idea behind exercise is that you perform simple activities such as taking a brisk walk outdoors. Not only is walking a fantastic form of exercise, it also allows you to get outside and take in some fresh air.

How can a TB patient gain weight fast?

A person with TB should aim to have three meals and three snacks each day to increase the amount of food they eat….These are:

  1. Cereals, millets and pulses.
  2. Vegetables and fruits.
  3. Milk and milk products, meat, eggs & fish.
  4. Oils, fats and nuts and oils seeds.

Will I gain weight after TB treatment?

In the intensive two-month initial phase of treatment, only 31.9% of patients had gained at least 5% of their body weight. By the end of treatment, which often lasted nine months or longer, 62.4% of patients had gained 5% or more of their body weight. The weight was gained in a steady, linear manner during treatment.

Is milk good for TB patients?

Milk: Milk is also a great source of protein, providing strength necessary to perform day-to-day activities. “You can make a milkshake with mangoes and milk that combines carbohydrates with protein and is the ideal energy booster.”

How can I treat my TB at home?

Actions to be taken

  1. Houses should be adequately ventilated;
  2. Anyone who coughs should be educated on cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene, and should follow such practice at all times;
  3. While smear positive, TB patients should: Spend as much time as possible outdoors;

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