What happens after DUI Michigan?

What happens after DUI Michigan?

Your driver’s license may be suspended; jail time and other penalties are possible. For a first-time DUI offender, it is vital you contact the Secretary of State within 14 days of arrest if you refused to take the breath test, otherwise your driver’s license will be suspended for one year.

What happens with your first DUI in Michigan?

Michigan Penalties for DUI Offenses OWI, First Offense – up to 93 days in jail, fines of $100 to $500, 360 hours (45 days) community service, vehicle immobilization at the court’s discretion, possible ignition interlock device during probation.

Do you lose your license for first DUI in Michigan?

Michigan’s anti-drunk and drugged driving laws require swift and sure action and stiff penalties for drivers who violated them. The laws require: Courts to decide drunk driving and drugged driving cases within 77 days after the arrest. A mandatory 6-month driver license suspension, even for a first conviction.

Will I go to jail for my first OWI in Michigan?

A conviction for first offense OWI will carry with it fines, costs and driver license sanctions. There will also be a term of probation, sometimes as long as 18 months. Most first offenders do not go to jail, though jail time is always a possibility.

What is the super drunk law in Michigan?

Known as Michigan’s Super Drunk OWI Law, or for short, “Super DUI,” this law imposes severe penalties on individuals convicted of a DUI with a BAC of 0.17 or greater. The penalties imposed for this Super DUI category of offenses are generally about twice as harsh as those for standard DUIs.

How long do DUI stay on your record in Michigan?

DUI is a Criminal Charge in Michigan, Not a Traffic Violation. While a DUI conviction is on your criminal record forever, the points received from DUI convictions only stay on your driving record for two (2) years.

Can I get a DUI expunged in Michigan?

Other states allow DUI convictions to be expunged after the individual is off probation and has completed all probation requirements, this is not the case in Michigan. There is a statute that prohibits a person from even attempting to have a traffic offense conviction expunged, including a drunk driving conviction.

How many points is a DUI Michigan?

Michigan is based upon a 12-point system. A conviction for an OWI or operating while intoxicated, an OWI high BAC or even a reckless driving is six points. A conviction for an OWVI or impaired is four points.

How much is a five over speeding ticket in Michigan?

Traffic Fines

Speeding 1-5 MPH over $115.00 70 mph zone 0
Speeding 6-10 MPH over $125.00 70 mph zone 1
Speeding 11-15 MPH over $135.00 70 mph zone 2 All Other zones 3
Speeding over 16 MPH Speeding – School or Construction Zone – Contact Court

How much can you go over the speed limit in Michigan?

6 to 10 mph over the speed limit: One (1) point and a $20 fine. 11 to 15 mph over the speed limit: Two (2) points and a $30 fine. 16 to 25 mph over the speed limit: Three (3) points and a $40 fine. 26 mph or more over the speed limit: Four (4) points and a $50 fine.

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