When was Girl With a Pearl Earring discovered?

When was Girl With a Pearl Earring discovered?


What is the story behind The Girl With the Pearl Earring?

Girl With a Pearl Earring tells the story of Griet, a 16-year-old Dutch girl who becomes a maid in the house of the painter Johannes Vermeer. On the verge of womanhood, Griet also contends with the growing attentions both from a local butcher and from Vermeer’s patron, the wealthy van Ruijven.

What era was The Girl With the Pearl Earring painted in?

the Dutch Golden Age

How much is the girl with the pearl earring worth 2020?

LONDON (Reuters) – A painting of Saint Praxedis by Johannes Vermeer, the 17th-century Dutch master who painted “The Girl with the Pearl Earring,” sold at auction on Tuesday for 6,242,500 pounds ($10.62 million), Christie’s said on its Twitter feed.

How much did Starry Night sell for?

It is impossible to place a value on such a famous and treasured work of art, though other works by Van Gogh have sold for more than 80 million dollars at auction. As arguably Van Gogh’s most famous work of art, it is safe to estimate the value of Starry Night at well over 100 million dollars.

How much is the Mona Lisa worth 2021?

Today, in 2021, the Mona Lisa is believed to be worth more than $ 867 million, taking into account inflation. Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa between 1503 and 1506 AD.

What’s the most expensive painting?

Leonardo da Vinci, Salvator Mundi (ca. After a drawn-out 19-minute long bidding war, Salvator Mundi became the most expensive artwork ever sold at auction.

What happens if you destroy the Mona Lisa?

Most likely you would be arrested and prosecuted for vandalizing what is considered a very valuable priceless work of art and culture. Also you would upset a great deal of people if not a whole country, and most likely have a lifetime ban from that country, if you’re not already rotting in a prison cell.

Who is the most famous person in the world 2020 alive?

1. The Rock. Dwayne Johnson, known as The Rock, is the most famous person in the world.

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