Are you finished or are you done?

Are you finished or are you done?

“Done” simply means that you have no intention to continue (which may or may not be because the activity is finished), while “finished” means that a logical conclusion has been reached, and you cannot continue.

Are you finished eating?

“Are you finished eating” is correct “Have you finished eating” is also correct and they are mostly interchangeable. “Do you finished eating” is not correct. To say the finishing is occurring now, one must use “is.” Example: “He is finishing eating now.” or “Are you finishing eating now?”

Did you do or have you done?

“Have you done it?” Having or not having done the homework in the past has some significance for the present (or the future), it has a connection with the present. The past tense (“Did you do it?” ) is used for actions in the past which are over, dead and done with and have not connection with the present anymore.

When to Use Do you and have you?

“Have you” is used with the perfect tense. “Have you eaten yet?” “Have you got a pen I can borrow?” “Do you have” is used when “have” isn’t part of the perfect tense. “Do you have any food?” “Do you have to go to the bathroom?” After “Have you . . ” , you probably need another word : ‘ Have you got a pen ?

When to use does or is?

We use do/does or is/are as question words when we want to ask yes/no questions. We use does and is with third person singular pronouns (he, she, it) and with singular noun forms. We use do and are with other personal pronouns (you, we they) and with plural noun forms.

What is the difference between have you and did you?

Have you is used in interrogative sentences. So, is did you. Have you is usually used in the second person. So is the case with did you.

Did you see or saw?

Saw has two different meanings… one is the past tense of the verb “to see” and the other one is a noun meaning a tool. However that noun became the verb to describe the action of the tool. Robert is correct in saying “Did you saw” is grammatically incorrect.

Did you see or have you seen?

“Have you seen” implies that the person saw your glasses sometime in the recent past right up to the present moment. “Did you see” is asking if the person has ever seen your glasses, at any time in the past. It makes a big difference if you’re looking for a lost pair of glasses.

Have you seen or have you watched?

To this AE speaker, “seen” is better in this context. If, however, you had loaned your friend a DVD, “watched” would be more appropriate. There’s no “rule” to cite here. Your tense is correct.

Is Have you watched correct?

Both are grammatically correct and both are suitable formats for the question. There is NO difference in meaning between the two words in this particular context; ‘watched’ does NOT connote that you paid more attention to the movie than ‘seen’ does.

Have you watched meaning?

Have you watched” is more to the point, because it suggests that, if you haven’t seen it in the past, you could consider seeing it now or in the near future. It is about an event which can happen again or is still relevant in the present.

Do you see or watch a movie?

They are both correct, though the meaning is slightly different. “Watch” indicates using more attention or focus than “see”. In terms of usage, I would say that if you’re proposing going to a movie, or talking about it after the fact, it’s more common to use “see”.

Do you enjoy watching movies?

Question 1: Do you enjoy watching movies? Answer A: Yes! I love watching movies as this is one of the best means of entertainment. Moreover, one gets a bundle of information and ideas from a single movie.

What’s the difference between watching and looking?

“Look” means to direct your eyes in a particular direction. “Watch” means to look at someone or something for an amount of time and pay attention to what is happening.

What watch means?

Look at, see or watch

How do you spell watch TV?

Watching TV means watching programs that are broadcast on television. So when someone says, “I watched TV at home”, they mean they watched (part of) one or more programs that were broadcast on TV (through whatever broadcasting technology, such as cable, internet or satellite).

What are the two meanings of watch?

Watch is similar to look at, but it usually means that we look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving: …

What words mean watch look at?

English Synonyms — Words for Look

look behold browse
perceive peruse recognize
scan scrutinize see
sight stare supervise
track view wink

What can I say instead of look?


  • glance, gaze, stare, gape, peer, fix one’s gaze, focus.
  • peep, peek, take a look.
  • watch, examine, study, inspect, scan, scrutinize, survey, check, contemplate, consider.
  • see, observe, view, regard, pay attention to, take note of, mark, check out.
  • glimpse, spot, spy, lay one’s eyes on, catch sight of, eye, take in, ogle.

What is the word for watching someone?

observe. verb. to watch or study someone or something with care and attention in order to discover something.

Is I like pizza a complete sentence?

Complete Sentences The action is the predicate, and the person (or thing) doing it is the subject. An incomplete sentence is called a fragment. Compare and contrast the sentences below: I like pizza.

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