What do they eat on Easter Island?

What do they eat on Easter Island?

The typical food of Easter Island is based mainly on marine products, such as fish, among which tuna, mahi mahi, the sierra or kana kana stand out, and seafood such as lobster, shrimp and the rape rape, a smaller type of lobster native to the island.

Are there rats in Fiji?

There are two main types of rats that cause concern in Fiji. The Brown Rat (or common rat) and the Black Rat which was introduced to this country, are a common pest in both private homes and businesses.

Where do Polynesian rats live?

Southeast Asia

How big is the biggest rat in the world?

The world’s largest rodent in existence is the capybara, which is found throughout Brazil and neighboring countries. Dwelling in semi-aquatic areas, the barrel-shaped South American rodent ranges from 3.5 to 4.4 feet in length, stands up to 24 inches tall and weighs anywhere from 77 to 146 pounds.

How big are the rats in Hawaii?

Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) – Largest of rats in Hawaii, weighs I0 to 18 ounces, measures 8 to 10 inches long. Tail stout, shorter than head and body combined.

Why are there rats in Hawaii?

Rodents aren’t native to Hawaii. Westerners brought species like the roof rat and the Norway rat to the island, while the Polynesian rat appeared on the island about 900 years ago. The lack of natural predators has allowed rodents to thrive on the island.

What animal was brought to Hawaii to kill rats?


What animal can kill a mongoose?

Snakes, hawks, marabou storks, leopards, and jackals are all predators of the mongoose. Snakes will kill a mongoose to protect themselves, but cobras and black mambas are unlikely to actually eat the mongoose.

Can a mongoose kill a king cobra?

The mongoose is known for its ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, especially cobras. The mongoose is known for its ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, especially cobras.

Why are there no predators in Hawaii?

All of Hawaii’s many plants and animals are evolved from colonizers (seeds, plants, animals etc) that made it here either by air or by sea. Many of the native plants and animals evolved with few diseases and no natural predators and therefore needed few natural defenses.

What is the most dangerous thing in Hawaii?

Dangers in Hawaii

  • Flash Floods. Flash floods can occur during or after heavy rain.
  • Rockfalls. Rockfalls can happen anytime, but occur most often after recent heavy rain.
  • Waves.
  • Currents.
  • Reef Cuts.
  • Box Jellyfish and Portuguese Man-of-War.
  • Territorial Surfers.
  • Ocean Rock Walls and Edges.

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