What is the difference between eastern European and Caucasus Shatterbelts?

What is the difference between eastern European and Caucasus Shatterbelts?

In general, the Eastern European Shatterbelt applies to ex-Communist nations. When compared to other countries, the region is culturally very homogeneous, but it has a long history of disputes. On the other side, the Shatterbelt of the Caucasus has a range of very wide variations.

How have political and ethnic struggles shaped the Eastern Europe of today?

How have political and ethnic struggles shaped the Eastern Europe of today? Tensions between Serbs and other ethnic groups such as Croats and Bosnians erupted into armed violence. Layered on top of such tensions were also religious divisions between people practicing Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Islam.

What causes Shatterbelts?

The conceptual foundation of the shatterbelts in the geopolitics stems from the analytical approach of examining the world map of states and empires in terms of their geopolitical struggle, military and political relations seen in relation to those strategically positioned areas that are characterized by a greater …

Why is North Korea a Shatterbelt?

Korea and Vietnam are both shatterbelt regions because majority of the battling occurred during the 1950s and 1960s, focusing on Korea and Vietnam. After the spread of Communism into Eastern Europe and China during the 1940s, the democratic West became worried that Communism would keep on working its way through Asia.

Which two wars became Shatterbelts from the Cold War?

Instead they fought through proxy wars: when someone else fights for you, the Korean war, Vietnam war, Afghanistan. The cold war created shatterbelts in Vietnam, Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Korea.

Is South Africa a Shatterbelt region?

From this investigation, an improved definition is suggested: a shatterbelt is a geographic region over whose control great powers seriously compete. Six contemporary world regions met the criteria of this standard: the Middle East, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle America, and South Asia.

What is a Shatterbelt zone?

a region caught between stronger colliding external cultural-political forces, under persistent stress, and often fragmented by aggressive rivals.

What is the southern part of Africa called?

The term southern Africa or Southern Africa, generally includes Angola, Botswana, Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland), Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, though Angola and Zambia may be included in Central Africa and Malawi and Mozambique in East Africa.

What is the Rimland theory?

The theory proposed that whoever controls Eastern Europe controls the Heartland. It also supported the concept of world dominance. Explanation – A more revised version explains that whoever controls the heartland, controls the world island. Whoever controls the World Island, will soon rule the world.

Who controls the Rimland?

According to Spykman, “Who controls the Rimland rules Eurasia, who rules Eurasia controls the destinies of the world.”

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