How do I add more than 12 images on eBay 2018?

How do I add more than 12 images on eBay 2018?

You can add up to 12 pictures….To upload photos from your computer:

  1. In your listing form, select Add Photos.
  2. Browse to find the photos you want – they should be no more than 7MB each.
  3. Crop, rotate, and adjust brightness and contrast of the photo using the icons in the uploader preview, then select Save.

Why can’t I add more photos eBay?

Problems when adding photos If you’re having trouble adding photos, make sure you’re using one of the accepted file formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, or BMP). Also check each file size is no larger than 7MB each. If you’re copying from a web address, the photo can be 12MB.

How do I add more photos to eBay?

Additional photos can be added to the listing description by adding links to photos hoasted outside on a third party photo hosting site. @shipscripthas some tools for adding a photogallery to the description.

How do I add multiple sizes to an eBay listing?

Select from the list of details or find more by clicking the Add more details link. If you want to enter your own variation detail, select Add your own variation detail. Example: If you’re selling a product in small, medium and large, click Size and then select S, M and L. You can select up to 5 variation details.

Can I sell multiple items in one listing?

You can sell multiple items in a single listing if you have more than one identical item to sell.

How do I add color options to my eBay listing?

Click one of the variations for your category. For example, if you’re selling T-shirts in the clothing category, click “Size,” “Color,” “Material” or other related options. Click “Add Variation Detail” to create a custom variation such as “Brand.”

Does eBay charge for business tool?

Some listing features in the business tool incur additional fees. You’ll be able to see the fees listed in the tool and in the Review your fees section. Learn more about the tools available in Seller Hub to help you manage sales, from listing creation to marketing and traffic analysis.

How do I not pay my eBay fees?

To avoid these fees, always check the bottom of the page for your total fees before submitting a listing. Make sure it says zero, 20 cents, or whatever is correct for your store subscription level. If you hit submit and eBay has snuck in an upgrade, you still have to pay it.

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