What page in Speak does Melinda cut herself?

What page in Speak does Melinda cut herself?

Chapter 43 – Rent Round 3 She hides in her bedroom and sleeps in her closet while also scratching herself with the sharp edge of a paper clip. She wonders if a suicide attempt is a call for help, what is the cutting?

What age is the book speak appropriate for?

Ages 12-up.

When I close the closet door behind me I bury my face into the clothes on the left side of the rack clothes that haven’t Fit For years I stuff my mouth with old fabric and scream until there are no sounds left under my skin?

Part 4, Chapter 11 Quotes When I close the closet door behind me, I bury my face into the clothes on the left side of the rack, clothes that haven’t fit for years. I stuff my mouth with old fabric and scream until there are no sounds left under my skin.

What does the tree symbolize in speak?

In Speak, the tree can be said to symbolize Melinda’s growth throughout the book. Melinda starts painting trees as part of a school art project. At first, the trees are desolate, isolated, surrounded by darkness. This is an accurate depiction of how Melinda sees herself.

What do mirrors symbolize in speak?

The mirrors in Speak symbolize Melinda’s perception of herself—she sees herself in a negative light and therefore cannot stand to look in a mirror.

Why is Melinda having difficulty talking?

Melinda is probably suffering from what is often labelled as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She is not able to verbalise her worst and biggest torment. As the events play on her mind she becomes more withdrawn and is losing the ability to communicate.

How does Melinda feel about mirrors?

Mirrors Symbol Analysis. At the beginning of Speak, Melinda despises mirrors. She thinks her reflection looks ugly in her bedroom mirror, and covers up the mirror in her closet with a poster of Maya Angelou. This hatred of her own image symbolizes Melinda’s deeper self-loathing.

What does the Apple symbolize in speak?

One symbol in the novel is the apple itself and the seed. The apple symbolizes growth, change, and a new beginning. The apple can also symbolize Melinda’s family. The emotional state is how her family was so close when she was little.

What good memory does Melinda have in biology class?

A routine class activity—dissecting an apple—becomes a memory-filled experience for Melinda. She recalls a purely happy memory in which she and her parents all felt connected. This recollection is closely associated with both sunlight and trees, two positive symbols in Melinda’s life.

Why does Melinda say biology is so cool?

On page 67, why do you think Melinda says: “Biology is so cool” and it is the only class she gets a B in? The seed….. and she sees it sprout . she shows the teacher and she gets extra credit!

Why does Melinda eat the apple in biology?

What does Melinda do with the apple she is supposed to dissect in biology class? Melinda eats the apple. She shows her biology teacher her apple seed and gets extra credit.

How does Melinda feel about biology class?

Melinda describes biology class as a class in which she tries to pay attention. They have real microscopes and are studying cells. She feels sad for her teacher, Mrs. Melinda’s lab partner is David Petrakis who has the potential to be cute, but makes the teachers nervous, because he is so brilliant.

Why doesn’t Melinda tell her parents?

Among other gifts, Melinda gets a sketch pad and some charcoal pencils. Her parents have noticed her interest in drawing. Her parents are watching her, trying to tell if she likes the gift. She didn’t tell them her secret before, because they weren’t home when she came back after the party.

Why does Mr Neck believe his son didn’t get the firefighter job?

He says that the Neck family has been in the US for 200 years, but his son can’t get a job because there are too many immigrants. Apparently, Mr. Neck’s son didn’t get the fire fighter job he applied for, because of “reverse discrimination” (27.7). The debate gets heavy, split into pro- and anti-immigration factions.

Why does Petrakis walk out of Mr necks?

Explain why David Petrakis walks out of Mr. Neck’s class. Mr. Neck is upset that his son, who is white, got passed up for a job as a firefighter.

Where does Melinda go to hear the best gossip in school?

Melinda hears through the grapevine that Rachel dumped Andy at the prom. He was groping her on the dance floor and when she told him to back off, he got angry.

What does David get mad at Melinda for doing?

He’s mad because she’s been talking about him. He tries to rape her again. Melinda screams, “NNNOOO!!!” (88.16). She manages to break the mirror with her turkey bone sculpture.

What does it whisper in Melinda’s ear?

Melinda spends the next two weeks making and hanging the posters for Heather and the can drive. She is hanging one up outside the metal shop room when suddenly IT creeps up behind her and whispers in her ear, “Freshmeat.” IT keeps finding her and she cannot ignore IT.

What invitation does David offer to Melinda?

Even Melinda gets excited and claps happily. Suddenly, David Petrakis sees her and runs over to her. He seems thrilled to see her. He invites her to come with him for pizza with his dad.

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