How can I read Mills and Boon eBooks for free?

How can I read Mills and Boon eBooks for free?

Explore our Free Reads. Every month we select a new title from one of our authors so that you can discover new stories and genres for free. Plus, you can read the first chapter of any book before creating an account.

How do I download Mills and Boon eBooks?

Go to the Mills & Boon website in any web browser on your mobile or tablet (

  1. Login to your account using the icon in the top right hand corner of the site.
  2. Click ‘Your eBooks’
  3. Click ‘Download’ next to each eBook you wish to move to the new reader.

Can I read Mills and Boon on my Kindle?

Please note: eBooks from the Mills & Boon website cannot be read on Kindle. So to begin you will need an account with Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) which you can set up on the Adobe website.

Who wrote Mills and Boons?

“The books follow very closely what is going on in society at the time.” Annie O’Neil, the writer of 25 Mills & Boon books, said people will say to her face that the books are easy to write, that she follows a formula.

How much do Mills and Boon writers get paid?

Mills and Boon pay around £2,000 advance, plus royalties. One newspaper reported that M&B authors earn about £100,000 a year. All the M&B authors I know thought that was hilarious! E-publishers don’t pay advances as a rule, but they do pay royalties of around 40%.

How do I write for Mills and Boon?

Submission Process

  1. Step 1: Read loads. This is the best advice we can give for finding your favourite Mills & Boon series and the one you want to write for.
  2. Step 2: Choose the series you want to write for.
  3. Step 3: Send your fabulous story to us!

Who writes Mills and Boon books?

Annie O’Neil, the writer of 25 Mills & Boon books, said people will say to her face that the books are easy to write, that she follows a formula.

How many Mills and Boon books are there?

There are currently 7 different Mills & Boon series, with something for everyone: Modern: Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.

How much does a first time authors get paid?

Boiling it down, here’s a more narrow range I can live with sharing: an average advance for a first-time author would likely fall in a range between $5,000 and $50,000, depending on a whole host of factors, including the size of the publisher, passion of the book editor involved, author’s platform, the power of the …

How much money do romance writers make?

There are authors who earned over half a million dollars per year within three years, and many more who earn $8,000; $10,000 and $20,000 per month — all within a few years (or less) of starting to write romance.

What kind of books are Mills and Boon?

Mills & Boon publishes 720 romantic novels a year. Featuring the kind of heroes their female readers can sigh and swoon over, they outsell true crime, science fiction and God in the bookshops. As fiction, they’re easy to read – so surely it’s easy to write one …

Are Mills and Boon good?

Romance and good old-fashioned drama… Mills and Boon was founded in 1908 and it’s been keeping us reading its romantic fiction masterpieces ever since. From compelling uplifting romance novels to pages filled with content that’s a little raunchier, Mills and Boon books are the perfect read for an instant escape.

Who started Mills and Boon?

Gerald Rusgrove Mills

Is Mills and Boon Harlequin?

In 1972, Harlequin acquired Mills & Boon, and soon was synonymous with the romance novel.

When was the first Mills and Boon book published?


What is DARE Series Mills and Boon?

  • The Deal (Mills & Boon Dare) (The Billionaires Club, Book 4)
  • Naughty Or Nice (Mills & Boon Dare)
  • Turn Me On (Mills & Boon Dare)
  • A Sinful Little Christmas (Mills & Boon Dare) (Sin City Brotherhood, Book 5)
  • The Proposition (Mills & Boon Dare) (The Billionaires Club, Book 3)
  • Her Intern (Mills & Boon Dare)

What books are in the DARE series?

Dare to Trust [The Dare Series 1]2015

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