How does Prince Prospero die?

How does Prince Prospero die?

How does Prince Prospero die? He is stabbed with a dagger. He is stricken by the plague.

Who killed the prince in Masque of the Red Death?


What killed everyone at Prince Prospero’s party?

The shocked crowd throws itself at the guest, only to discover in horror that there’s nothing underneath the mask and costume. The Red Death itself has come to the party. One by one the guests die, spilling their blood all over Prospero’s lavish rooms.

Does Prince Prospero get stabbed?

He storms after the masked figure, ordering his revelers to seize him, though they refuse. Overcome with anger at such an insult, Prospero draws his dagger to stab the figure.

Does Prospero kill himself?

In the midst of their revelry, a mysterious figure disguised as a Red Death victim enters and makes his way through each of the rooms. Prospero dies after confronting this stranger, whose “costume” proves to contain nothing tangible inside it; the guests also die in turn.

Why does Prospero get so angry?

Prospero’s anger, like his age, is a major quality of his character. He has other qualities too, that balance his anger. He can comfort Miranda, telling her that despite the tempest she saw, the sailors are undrowned and unharmed. The story Prospero tells Miranda gives plenty of good reasons for Prospero to be angry.

Why does Prospero enslave Caliban?

Prospero enslaves Caliban and keeps him subjugated by the use of magic to frighten or subdue him. However his need to do this may stem from his fear of Caliban, a virile young male whose sexuality is focused on his daughter.

Why does Caliban hate Prospero and Miranda?

In The Tempest, Caliban hates Prospero and Miranda because they enslaved him. Caliban gave them the tools they needed to survive on the island, and then they turned on him and treated him cruelly.

Why is Caliban afraid of Prospero?

Caliban believes that Prospero treats him unnecessarily cruelly and accuses him of stealing the island from him. He thinks the island is his birthright because his mother was there first.

Why does Caliban want revenge?

Caliban wants revenge on Prospero for taking his island. He finds this opportunity through Stephano and Trinculo as they plot his murder. Thus they share the common motive of revenge.

How does Caliban lure Stephano to kill Prospero?

Prospero always sleeps in the afternoon – he has a nap, effectively! Caliban wants Stephano to first seize his books, and then “brain” him (batter him on the head) with a log – or, perhaps, stab him in the stomach (“paunch him”) with a stake – or, perhaps, cut his windpipe (“wezand”) with a knife.

Does Caliban try to kill Prospero?

The key, Caliban tells his friends, is to take Prospero’s magic books. Once they have done this, they can kill Prospero and take his daughter. Stephano will become king of the island and Miranda will be his queen.

How does Caliban betray Prospero?

Unlike Ariel and Miranda, however, Caliban attempts to use language as a weapon against Prospero just as Prospero uses it against Caliban. He insists that the island is his but that Prospero took it from him by flattering Caliban into teaching him about the island and then betraying and enslaving him.

What did Caliban promise to Stephano?

Caliban wants Stephano to murder Prospero. In return, he promises to serve Stephano. He is tired of living under Prospero’s rule, and he believes that…

What time of day does Caliban suggest is perfect for killing Prospero?

afternoon nap

Who has the most power in the tempest?

What does Caliban realize about the trick?

When Caliban sees how foolish Stephano and Trinculo are acting, he starts to realize what type of people they really are and starts to regret his decision of depending on them. Lie at my mercy all mine enemies. Follow, and do me service. This quote comes from Prospero, directed to Ariel.

Why does Caliban think Stephano should be king?

In the play, he wants to take over the island and marry Prospero’s daughter, Miranda. Caliban believes Stephano to be a god because he gave him wine to drink which Caliban believes healed him.

Who is Stephano referring to?

1. Who is Stephano referring to? Why is he referred to as some monster? On seeing Caliban, Stephano refers him to a monster, due to his distorted shape as he was born to a witch.

What does Sebastian say is Alonso’s fault?

Expert Answers Basically, he blames it on Alonso’s choice in who his daughter should marry. The royal party has been shipwrecked on their way back from the wedding of Alonso’s daughter in Africa. Because of this, Sebastian says that Alonso should have chosen a European for his daughter’s husband.

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