What cities are the same latitude as Edinburgh?

What cities are the same latitude as Edinburgh?

Edinburgh is located at latitude 55.95206 and longitude -3.19648. It is part of Europe and the northern hemisphere….Cities at the same latitude as Edinburgh.

City Coordinates
Copenhagen, Denmark 55.67594, 12.56553
Kazan, Russia 55.78874, 49.12214
Chelyabinsk, Russia 55.15402, 61.42915

What latitude is Edinburgh?

55.9533° N, 3.1883° W

What latitude is Scotland at?

56.4907° N, 4

What is Scotland’s climate?

Climate of Scotland. Scotland has a temperate oceanic climate, milder than might be expected from its latitude. Despite its small area, there are considerable variations. Precipitation is greatest in the mountainous areas of the west, as prevailing winds, laden with moisture from the Atlantic, blow from the southwest.

What is the capital of Scotland?


How many degrees north is Alaska?

The latitude of Alaska, USA is 66.160507, and the longitude is -153.369141. Alaska, USA is located at United States country in the States place category with the gps coordinates of 66° 9′ 37.8252” N and 153° 22′ 8.9076” W….Alaska, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info.

Country United States
Zoom Level 2

What is the most northern state?


What is the most eastern state in the US?


What cities are at 60 degrees north latitude?

World’s largest cities above 60 degrees north latitude – UPDATED

  • Helsinki, Finland 626,305 (2015)
  • Arkhangelsk, Russia 350,985 (2013)
  • Murmansk, Russia 307,257 (2010)
  • Surgut, Russia 306,675 (2010) – Thank you, English Grammar!
  • Anchorage, Alaska, USA 300,950 (2013)
  • Bergen, Norway 277,378 (2015)

What is the largest northernmost city in the world?


What countries are north of 60?

In Canada, the 60th parallel constitutes the mainland boundary between the northern territories of Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut to the north, and the western provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba to the south.

What state does 40 degrees north latitude pass through?

The official name for the line is the “40th parallel north“. Here are the states it touches: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

What cities are on the 40th latitude?

The parallel 40° north passes through the cities of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Columbus, Ohio; as well as northern suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana and Boulder, Colorado and the southern suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

How many states are completely north of 40 north latitude?

There are 19 States that are completely north of 40 degrees north latitude or otherwise known as the 40th parallel.

What city lies closest to 20 degrees south of the equator?

B. Washington, D.C. Which city lies closest to 20 degrees south of the equator? What is the nearest parallel to Beijing, China?

What ocean is 80 South and 20 East?

The boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean is defined by the meridian.

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