What is eating my guppies?

What is eating my guppies?

Any large, aggressive carnivorous fish will eat guppies. Angelfish, cichlids, oscars, crayfish, red-tiger sharks, barbs, etc., are some of the fish species that can eat adult guppies. Similarly, guppy fry are vulnerable to attacks from bettas, gouramis, platies, dwarf pufferfish, and swordtails.

What is killing my guppies?

The most common reason for guppies dying in your aquarium is the poor water quality. With feeding your fish you actually pollute the water in your tank. The lack of oxygen in the water can also cause guppies to die. Putting too cold or too warm water in your aquarium will cause death to your guppy fish.

Why are my guppies not growing?

Here are the most common reasons why guppy fry are not growing: lack of water volume or too much water volume. lack of water changes and poor water quality. lack of quality and variety of food.

What fish dont go with guppies?

The simple fact that Guppy fish are good community fish doesn’t mean they can be housed with any other fish. Large predatory fish, fish that nip fins, and aggressive fish are bad companions for guppies.

What is the lifespan of guppies?

Guppies can live as long as four or five years if they’re looked after properly. However, it’s more common for them to live between just one and two years.

Are guppies aggressive?

They’re known and marketed as peaceful, sociable fish that make a great addition to a community aquarium. So, it comes as a surprise to many, and especially to aquarists that have no previous experience with guppies, that these fish can become territorial and can become aggressive.

How often should guppies be fed?

twice a day

How do I know if my guppies are happy?

If the fins of your guppy fish are in good condition, they will not be clamped to the fish’s sides, they will be clear rather than cloudy, and they will show no white spots or growths.

How many guppies should be kept together?

Guppy Tank Mates You can keep one Guppy per 2 gallons of water; for example, you can keep 5 in a 10-gallon tank and 10 in a 20-gallon tank. If you choose to keep both males and females, keep them at a ratio of 2:1.

How many guppies can you have in a 20 long?

Generally speaking, you can keep 10 to 12 guppies in a 20-gallon fish tank.

Will guppies eat a dead guppy?

Guppies usually have a tendency to take a bite at immovable or dead guppies. You certainly don’t want your guppies to eat a dead guppy as it would deteriorate their health. Also, dead guppies rot easily, and that will contaminate the tank water. This is not good for the other living guppies.

Can I keep 2 male guppies together?

Male guppies can live together. However, guppies tend to breed a lot. In the absence of female guppies, male guppies can get aggressive and start fighting. That is why it is advisable to keep only male guppies together if you want to control the population of guppies in your tank.

Can two male guppies have babies?

Can two male guppies have babies? Two male puppies cannot have babies. However, if you keep single or multiple females in a tank without any males then you may notice offspring coming out of females. This is because before putting the females in a separate tank they may already mate with a male.

Can guppies live with bettas?

So to conclude this article: yes, guppies and betta fish can live in the same aquarium. You will have a bit more work feeding your betta separately and you will also need to purchase live plants, but it is doable.

Do guppies need a bubbler?

Like other freshwater fish, guppies also love clean and aerated water. That’s why the answer to the “do guppies need a bubbler” question is – yes. Without filtration and oxygenation, your guppies wouldn’t be able to survive that long. Guppies need oxygenated water, like most fish.

Why are my guppies always at the top?

Your guppies are just not comfortable in the tank. There are two main reasons that cause guppies to swim at the top of the tank: It is an indication of a shortage of oxygen or lack of oxygen in the water. Another possibility is that your fish tank is too deep, and your guppy wants to rest its gills.

Do guppies like high flow?

Guppies prefer slow-moving water in the wild. They thrive in moderate water flow. Due to their small size, they avoid fast-moving water or areas that are excessively deep.

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