What was Brian able to use to start a fire?

What was Brian able to use to start a fire?

Brian uses his hatchet to create sparks which land in the nest, and he blows on the embers to create fire.

Why did Brian call the fire his friend in hatchet?

Brian feels that fire is his friend because it will keep him warm and allow him to cook his food to keep him alive during his ordeal. Without it, he would quickly freeze to death, and, if not, would likely starve because his sources of food (mostly fish and small animals) would be inedible without cooking.

What are the 3 conditions Brian learned he needed to make fire?

Fire, Fuel, and a Friend He knows that fire needs fuel and oxygen. Brian realizes that he needs to blow on the fire.

What did Brian do with the turtle eggs?

Brian eats six of the eggs raw and then decides to store the rest to eat more slowly. When you are stranded alone in the wilderness, getting food can be very difficult.

Why did Brian stop eating the turtle eggs?

Turtle Eggs He thought it was disgusting. Brian realized that, ”Some natives in the world ate grasshoppers and ants and if they could do that he could get a raw egg down.

Why does Brian not want to leave the fire?

Why did Brian refuse to leave the fire at first? He was terrified the fire would burn out and he would not be able to get it started again. The fire kept the mosquitos away. He became his ‘friend’.

What is the most important rule of survival Brian learns?

He’s understandably down in the dumps about being stranded and now stung by a porcupine, but then ”he learned the most important rule of survival, which was that feeling sorry for yourself didn’t work. ” It won’t get the quills out of his leg and won’t make fire, so Brian decides to stop it entirely and get to work.

Why was Brian’s face burned?

Brian woke up craving water. It physically pained him. What had happened to his face while he slept? He slept when the sun was up, so his face was extremely burnt.

Why was Brian looking for foolish birds?

Why was Brian looking for one of the foolish birds? He thought the birds were going to be easy to catch being that he almost stepped on one. He also figured they would be meaty and taste like chicken.

Does Brian try to kill himself in hatchet?

After the plane flies by him without spotting him, Brian feels incredibly defeated. He even tries to commit suicide by cutting himself with his hatchet.

How did Brian get close enough to the birds?

He tries throwing his fishing spear, but he’s just not fast enough to get the birds before they can fly away. Eventually, Brian develops a method of sneaking up on the birds—walking sideways toward them until he’s close enough to thrust the spear, instead of throwing it.

Why was it so difficult for Brian to catch a Foolbird?

Why was it so difficult for Brian to catch a fool bird? He couldn’t see that well. When Brian was cleaning the bird to eat it, what did he do with the insides of the bird? He fed it to the fish in his fish pen.

What tool must Brian reinvent?

A net. 2. What tool must Brian reinvent? A bow and arrow.

Does Brian die in hatchet?

In Gary Paulsen’s novel Hatchet, Brian Robeson is a passenger traveling by plane across the wilderness of Minnesota when the pilot has a heart attack and dies. Brian survives the subsequent plane crash and has to learn how to survive in the wilderness, alone, with nothing but a hatchet in his possession.

Why wasn’t Brian rescued right away in hatchet?

Brian hears and sees a plane and rushes to light the signal fire, but by the time he gets to the bluff, the plane has turned and cannot see him. He realizes that he may never be rescued.

What did Brian do immediately?

Brian was the only survivor of the plane crash. The pilot had a heart attack and crashed the plane rather than landing it. Brian managed to detach himself from the seatbelt. After the plane landed, and Brian got himself out and swam to shore, he was disoriented and surprised he was alive.

Why was Brian afraid he might never be found?

He was too afraid to admit it and because then reality would sink in and it would make him feel hopeless. It would drag him down. What will eventually happen if Brian just keeps the plane on a course pointing straight ahead? Eventually he will run out the little amount of fuel he has and the plane will crash.

What did Brian miss the most the first few days after the crash?

What did Brian miss the most the first few days after the crash? How was Brian rescued? He found a ledge and wove a door for it.

Did Brian have a hard time awake after plane crash?

Brian had a hard time trying to stay awake after the plane crash. Brian thought the place where he had landed was ugly with its brown trees. Brian is troubled by the secret.

What is the first problem that Brian must face in the morning?

Brian must put out of his mind the death of the pilot and his parents’ divorce to fight off the dangers of the forest, such as an early-morning mosquito attack, and take notice of the animals and sights of his new forest home so that he can survive.

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