Who lived in the Magoffin house?

Who lived in the Magoffin house?

Built by pioneer Joseph Magoffin, who lived there with his wife, Octavia (MacGreal) until their deaths. They had two children, James (Jim) and Josephine.

When was the Magoffin house built?

Joseph and Octavia Magoffin built their adobe home around 1875. The adobe construction reflects Spanish and Territorial architecture found in the Southwest borderlands and the influence of the Greek Revival style popular in other parts of the United States.

What is the oldest house in El Paso TX?

The Montgomery Building

Who was Magoffin?

Born in Chihuahua, Mexico and educated in Kentucky and Missouri, Joseph Magoffin first came to the El Paso area in 1856 to work in his father’s mercantile at Magoffinsville. After serving in the Civil War, Joseph returned with his family and became an advocate for the development of El Paso and the region.

Was Kentucky in the Civil War?

During the American Civil War, the state of Kentucky played a key role. Kentucky was a border state, separating the Confederate States and the Union of the North.

Who was the governor of Kentucky at the beginning of the Civil War?

Governor Beriah Magoffin

What did Magoffin think secession?

Although Magoffin did not believe slavery was a “moral, social, or political evil,” he opposed immediate secession on two fronts. First, he believed the sectional differences could be worked out through mediation. Second, he feared an invasion of Kentucky if the state seceded.

Which of the states were considered border states?

In the context of the American Civil War (1861–65), the border states were slave states that did not secede from the Union. They were Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, and after 1863, the new state of West Virginia.

How did Lincoln handle the Maryland legislature?

[34] In April, Lincoln had decided against arresting members of the Maryland legislature, acknowledging their right to assemble and debate, but now the administration now determined that no vote would be allowed.

What did Lincoln do in Maryland at the start of the Civil War?

Mayor George William Brown and Maryland Governor Thomas Hicks implored President Lincoln to reroute troops around Baltimore city and through Annapolis to avoid further confrontations.

What did Abraham Lincoln do to Maryland?

Lincoln had had his fill of Maryland’s Confederate proclivities. He suspended the writ of habeas corpus in parts of the state while federal agents arrested Baltimore’s mayor and head of police, several newspaper editors, and two dozen state legislators.

What should President Abraham Lincoln do to keep Maryland from seceding and joining the Confederacy?

Lincoln wanted to keep Maryland out of the Confederacy’s hands because it surrounded Washington D.C. If Maryland fell, Washington D.C. would capitulate also and the Confederacy would be able to dictate their own terms.

How did Lincoln use both political strategy and force to keep the border states from joining the Confederacy?

How long did Lincoln use booth political strategy and force to keep the Border States from joining the Confederacy? Lincoln used his power to suspend habeas corpus (to bring to court) throughout the U.S. in order to protect the Union against spies, prisoners of war, and supporters of the Confederate cause.

Which border state was the last to join the Confederacy?

Four days later, on May 20th, 1861, North Carolina became the last state to join the new Confederacy. State delegates met in Raleigh and voted unanimously for secession. All of the states of the Deep South had now left the Union. That same day, the Confederate Congress voted to move the capital to Richmond, Virginia.

What was the nickname for the Confederates?


Why did Missouri not secede?

One of the resolutions stated, “there exists no adequate cause why Missouri should secede from the Union and that she will do all that she can to restore peace to the same by satisfactory compromise.” Further, it held that the Constitutional union was permanent, that the federal Constitution was the “supreme law of the …

Did Missouri start the Civil War?

In fact, Missouri was the very seedbed of the Civil War. Events in Missouri prior to 1861 triggered the national debate over the westward expansion of slavery, and the Kansas-Missouri Border War of the 1850s heralded the larger conflict.

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