What major city is El Paso close to?

What major city is El Paso close to?

List of Cities near El Paso in Texas, United States of America

Major Cities Close to El Paso
Chihuahua 350 km / 217.5 miles
Albuquerque 368.8 km / 229.2 miles
Tucson 422.8 km / 262.7 miles
Lubbock 478.2 km / 297.2 miles

What town is before El Paso?

Towns surrounding El Paso Texas with an estimated population of at least “250” people (change )

Town mi. Area
Fort Bliss 4.40 Texas
Horizon City 4.40 Texas
Juarez 7.63 Mexico
Sunland Park 13.18 New Mexico

Is El Paso Texas near Houston?

The total driving distance from Houston, TX to El Paso, TX is 747 miles or 1 202 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Houston, TX to El Paso, TX is 675 miles.

How far is Austin Texas from El Paso Texas?

579 miles

How far is San Antonio from El Paso Texas?

505 miles

How far is El Paso Texas from Phoenix Arizona?

430 miles

How far is it from San Antonio to Houston?

Distance between San Antonio and Houston is 305 kilometers (190 miles). Driving distance from San Antonio to Houston is 317 kilometers (197 miles).

How far apart is San Antonio and Houston?

Distance from Houston to San Antonio is 306 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 190 miles.

Is San Antonio or Dallas closer to Houston?

This air travel distance is equal to 252 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Dallas and San Antonio is 406 km= 252 miles….Dallas Distances to Cities.

Dallas Distance
Distance from Dallas to Houston 362 km
Distance from Dallas to San Antonio 406 km

How far is San Antonio from the beach?

Surfside Beach This beach is 231 miles away from San Antonio and is roughly a 3 hour and 47-minute drive via the I-10.

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