What is the latitude and longitude of San Salvador?

What is the latitude and longitude of San Salvador?

13.6929° N, 89.2182° W

Where is El Salvador on the equator?

El-Salvador is 953.09 mi (1,533.85 km) north of the equator, so it is located in the northern hemisphere.

What is the geographic location of El Salvador?

El Salvador is bounded by Honduras to the north and east, by the Pacific Ocean to the south, and by Guatemala to the northwest. Its territory is situated wholly on the western side of the isthmus, and it is therefore the only Central American country that lacks a Caribbean coast.

What region is El Salvador in?

Central America

How much does it cost to buy a house in El Salvador?

Prices vary widely. A two-bedroom home outside of the capital city can cost $20,000 or less. But a home with five bedrooms in downtown San Salvador can cost about $200,000.

Can foreigners buy property in El Salvador?

Can a foreigner be the owner of a real estate property? In El Salvador, as a rule, foreign persons may acquire property, directly or indirectly, within the Salvadoran territory, the same as any Salvadoran or permanent resident.

Do I need a visa for El Salvador?

You need a passport and either a Salvadoran visa or a one-entry tourist card to enter El Salvador. You may obtain a tourist card when you arrive at the airport or seaport from immigration officials for a $12 fee. The card is valid for 90 days.

How long does it take to get a visa in El Salvador?

Although visa processing time is typically three working days, processing time for specific cases may vary due to individual circumstances and other special requirements.

How do I get a visa for El Salvador?

How to Apply

  1. Pay the visa application fee.
  2. Complete the Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) form.
  3. Schedule your appointment on this web page.
  4. Visit the U.S. Embassy on the date and time of your visa interview.
  5. Students.
  6. Working adults.
  7. Businessmen and company directors.
  8. Visiting a relative.

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