Who is the principal federal official for domestic incident management a FEMA administrator?

Who is the principal federal official for domestic incident management a FEMA administrator?

Secretary of Homeland Security

What is the primary responsibility of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 1?

The specific purpose of HSPD 1 is to set up and define the organization and operation of the Homeland Security Council. “Securing Americans from terrorist threats or attacks is a critical national security function.

What is the focus of HSPD 9?

Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 9, issued by President Bush on January 30, 2004, establishes a national policy to defend the agriculture and food system against terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies.

Which Homeland Security Presidential Directive required the establishment of the National Incident?

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5

What does HSPD 13 on maritime policy function to do?

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 13: Maritime Security Policy [open pdf – 36 KB ] It directs the coordination of United States Government maritime security programs and initiatives to achieve a comprehensive and cohesive national effort involving appropriate Federal, State, local, and private sector entities.

What is the focus of HSPD 13?

This document, the Maritime Security Policy National Security/Homeland Security Presidential Directive (NSPD/HSPD), reiterates the President’s commitment to maritime security and aims to integrate and align all U.S. Government maritime security programs and initiatives into a comprehensive and cohesive national effort …

What is maritime security policy?

Maritime security is a general term for the protection of vessels both internally and externally. The areas from which ships and maritime operations need protecting include terrorism, piracy, robbery, illegal trafficking of goods and people, illegal fishing and pollution.

What federal agency is heavily involved in water security?

Under Homeland Security Presidential Directive-7, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the lead federal agency for protecting drinking water and wastewater utility systems.

Which federal department or agency has the primary responsibility for helping the United States with the stages of the Homeland Security cycle?


Why did the federal government combine several agencies into the Department of Homeland Security?

Why did the federal government combine several agencies into the Department of Homeland Security? A. to prevent future acts of terrorism in the United States through coordination.

What other government agency is heavily involved in the protection of food?

Four agencies play major roles in carrying out food safety regulatory activities: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA); the Environmental Protection Agency ( …

What are the three major types of hazards to food safety?

There are three major hazards that may be introduced into the food supply any time during harvesting, processing, transporting, preparing, storing and serving food. These hazards may be microbiological, chemical or physical.

Who regulates the food service industry?

More than 3,000 state, local, and tribal agencies have primary responsibility to regulate the retail food and foodservice industries in the United States. FDA assists regulatory agencies and the industries they regulate by providing a model Food Code, guidance, training, program evaluation, and technical assistance.

Which government agency inspects the majority of food products?

the U.S. Department of Agriculture

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