What did Emily Dickinson read?
the King James Bible
What message does Where the Sidewalk Ends have for adults?
‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ is a three-stanza poem that depicts the adult world as something harsh and demanding, in contrast to a more childlike mentality that can provide a break from the responsibilities and pressures of being an adult.
What message does Where the Sidewalk Ends have for children What message do you think it has for adults?
He opines that only children actually know the place. He is simply referring to the joyful and stress-free world of children. The poet encourages adult to behave like children so that can get to the place where the sidewalk ends. In all, the “Where the Sidewalk Ends” can be interpreted as a place of joy and peace.
What is the mood of the poem Where the Sidewalk Ends?
In Shel Silverstein’s poem Where the Sidewalk Ends, the tone of the poem encompasses Silverstein’s feelings about life and the choices one makes in life. The tone is depicted in the poem in one way: Silverstein wants readers to simply follow the lines in life.
What message does Shel Silverstein convey by contrasting children and adults in Where the Sidewalk Ends and growing down?
Pairing Questions for “Where the Sidewalk Ends” , “Growing Down” and “The Clock Man” Answers will vary; students should explain that in all three poems, Shel Silverstein contrasts a child with an adult to show that being a child is better than being an adult.
How do the children contribute to the theme in Where the Sidewalk Ends?
The children’s age or youth, per se, is the most important theme in the poem. The children spend the most time on the sidewalk….. it’s their playground, the place they dream and imagine. Youth is the reason the children can find the place the sidewalk ends….. the place where imagination begins.
Where the Sidewalk Ends book summary?
Shel Silverstein opens WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS with an invitation to dreamers, wishers, liars, and more to gather round and spin “flax-golden tales.” What follows is a charming collection of wittily subversive poems and line drawings: There’s a fed-up boy trying to sell his sister, a child who hoards wishes, a boy who …
What does it mean when the speaker suggest Mr Brown try growing down in line 18?
The speaker is a happy child who enjoys life, while Mr. Brown is an unhappy child. The speaker is a child trying to grow up, while Mr. Brown is trying to “grow down.”
What is the theme of the poem growing down?
The theme of the poem is: Children’s innocence allows them to better appreciate the small joys of life.
What does the clock man represent?
What does the clock man represent in the poem? Q. How do the person’s feelings about time change throughout “The Clock Man” poem? He values time more than he did as a child.
How much will you pay for an extra day the clock man asked the child?
“How much will you pay for an extra day?” He asked when the child was grown. “Maybe a dollar or maybe less, For I’ve plenty of days of my own.”
How do the last four lines help develop the message of the poem?
Answer: it draws the poem to a conclusion usually with a death or finding love.
What does Fame is a bee mean?
In her poem, “Fame is a Bee,” Emily Dickinson uses metaphor to suggest that fame is mostly superficial and fleeting. In her poem, “Fame is a Bee,” Emily Dickinson uses metaphor to suggest that fame is both powerful and alluring.