Do the right things even when no one is looking?

Do the right things even when no one is looking?

Lewis Quote: Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

What you do when no one is looking quote?

The great John Wooden once said: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are…the true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

Who are we when no one is watching?

Who are you when no one is watching? Those are the moments when you’re defining yourself. Those moments when the only reward is choosing to do something for no other reason than to prove to yourself that you could do it – to prove that you can be extraordinary.

Whats the meaning of integrity?

Integrity can be defined as aligning your conduct with what you know to be excellent. A person of integrity displays a principled dedication to values and beliefs. They always seek to reflect ethical standards and do the right thing regardless of the circumstances.

What are benefits of integrity?

4 Benefits of Integrity

  • What is integrity anyway? Integrity is when our behavior matches our beliefs.
  • Integrity keeps you close to God. King David shared this belief in Psalm 24:3-4, “Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
  • Integrity guides your life.
  • Integrity brings peace.
  • Integrity earns us trust and influence.
  • Take away.

How do you show you have integrity?

Examples of Integrity

  1. Keep your promises even if it takes extra effort.
  2. Go back to a store and pay for something you forgot to pay for.
  3. Never betray a friend’s trust even if you get in trouble.
  4. Inform the cashier he gave you too much change back.
  5. Do not gossip or talking badly about someone.
  6. Remain true to your spouse or partner.

Is integrity good or bad?

Integrity is an often misunderstood value and that’s the reason it is reasonable to ask whether it is always a moral value. The dictionary defines it as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” That’s fine but there’s more to it than that.

What does it mean to live a life of integrity?

Integrity is: Living your life in accordance with an internal set of beliefs. You value honesty, so you will not tolerate a lie and do not lie just to make a situation easier or to avoid scrutiny or escape additional work.

What is the difference between authenticity and integrity?

As nouns the difference between integrity and authenticity is that integrity is steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code while authenticity is the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original.

What is the difference between honesty and integrity?

Integrity implies a consistent behavior, whether honest or not. Honesty implies being truthful (even if it is incorrect) about a subject at hand. Honesty, by definition, is to tell the truth and being true. Integrity is having strong moral principles based on honesty and to follow those principles religiously.

Can integrity be regained?

The point is, while lost, it is recoverable. Others argued that integrity can be regained. Even if you do all of the right things to restore integrity, it can all be looked at with skepticism. In the end, I believe integrity is one of the most important characteristics for a leader, or even for a human being.

What do you do when someone asks your integrity?

Valuable Lessons Learned When Someone Questions Your Integrity

  1. Feel the emotion around something like this, it’s ok to cry, to get angry, to feel whatever you feel.
  2. It’s important to acknowledge what you’re really feeling and what is your ego just feeling wounded.
  3. Everything happens for a reason.
  4. When something hits you hard, always come back more powerful.

How do you know if you’re being honest with yourself?

Here are seven signs you are lying to yourself and don’t know it so that you can finally learn to tell yourself the truth:

  • Your emotions don’t match your words.
  • Your behavior doesn’t align with your proclamations.
  • You make extreme statements.
  • You feel inauthentic.
  • You are not open to input from others.
  • You are never wrong.

What is an honest person called?

truthful. adjective. a truthful person says what is true and does not lie.

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