What happens at the end of a Rose for Emily?

What happens at the end of a Rose for Emily?

At the end of “A Rose for Emily,” Emily dies. The townspeople break down the locked door of her bedroom and find the corpse of Homer Barron in her bed. She killed him and has been sleeping with him every night.

What happens to Miss Emily’s servant at the end of the story?

Tobe, miss Emily’s servant, lets in the townswomen and then leaves by the backdoor. He’s never seen again. After the funeral, and after Emily is buried, the townspeople go upstairs to break into the room that they know has been closed for forty years.

How did Emily From A Rose for Emily die?

In “A Rose for Emily,” Emily’s cause of death is unrevealed, although it may be assumed she died of old age.

What did Miss Emily use the arsenic for?

Miss Emily purchases the arsenic to kill Homer Barron, a Yankee working man who has come to town to work on the paving of sidewalks in the town. He is not someone whom Miss Emily’s father would have approved of, finding such a person beneath her.

Why did Emily kill Baron?

Emily’s main reasons for killing him were because she was angry that he had turned her down, and that she knew that this was her last, best chance at matrimony. There were no other men in the town in whom she was interested (and vice versa), and no other prospects were likely.

What was wrong with Emily in A Rose for Emily?

After her father’s death was when she started a downward spiral towards insanity. The final breaking point of insanity for Emily was her sweetheart Homer Barron did not feel the same way about her as she did him. Emily fell in love with Homer and saw him as a way to start interacting with some of the townspeople again.

What is the main message of A Rose for Emily?

The main themes of the short story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner are isolation, privacy and the conflict between past and change. These themes are enhanced through motifs like death and taxes or compassion.

Why is Emily insane?

On ‘the second pillow was the indentation of a head…we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair. ‘ The story speaks of Emily’s descent into insanity that is caused by a combination of her father’s control over her, isolation, and a tendency in the family towards mental illness.

Who is Homer in A Rose for Emily?

IN this story, Homer Barron is the man that Emily Grierson was supposed to marry (or at least that is what she thought). Homer was a man who came from up North. He was in town as the boss of a gang of workers who were working on the roads.

What probably happened to Homer and why?

He is new to town to help build something and he was a funny guy. They would get married. What probably happened to Homer? Emily killed him because he wouldn’t marry her.

How long was Homer Barron dead in A Rose for Emily?

three days

What do we know for sure about Homer?

What do we know for sure about Homer: The scholars at Alexandria treated him as a single poet who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey, We know that someone—individually or collectively—wrote The Odyssey, a good deal of controversy surrounds the poet’s identity. Homer was an ancient Greek king.

What does Miss Emily’s house symbolize?

Emily’s house also represents alienation, mental illness, and death. It is a shrine to the living past, and the sealed upstairs bedroom is her macabre trophy room where she preserves the man she would not allow to leave her.

What does Miss Emily’s hair symbolize?

Emily’s hair is symbolic of her sexuality throughout the story. After her father dies, Emily cuts her hair short, appearing like a young girl though she is in her 30s. A few years after Homer “disappears” and her last chance to wed has gone, her hair turns gray, signifying the death of her sexuality.

Why did Emily not have to pay taxes?

Emily won’t pay taxes after her father’s death because her father was promised he would never have to. The town felt protective towards its aristocrats, because these families represented to it their collective nostalgia for a lost way of life.

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