How do I know my PF account number?

How do I know my PF account number?

4 easy ways to find out your EPF account number

  1. Highlights.
  2. Get to know your EPF number by checking your salary slip.
  3. Enquire with the HR department if you don’t have a salary slip.
  4. Login to the UAN portal or UMANG app using UAN to know your EPF details.
  5. Visit the regional EPFO office to enquire about your EPF account.

How can I get my lost PF number?

Members registered on the UAN portal can get their PF details by sending an SMS from their registered mobile numbers to SMS ‘EPFOHO UAN’ to 7738299899 or by giving a missed call at 011-22901406 from their mobile number registered with UAN.

Can I get new PF account number?

The UAN of an employee remains the same throughout life irrespective of the number of jobs the person changes. Every time an employee changes a job, EPFO allows a new member identification number (ID), which will be linked to the UAN. You can get your Universal Account Number from your employer.

How can I know my PF number through PAN card?

How can I get PF account number from PAN Card?

  1. Step 1: Go to this website: epf portal.
  2. Step 2: Enter your PAN, Name, Date of Birth, Mobile No., and Captcha.
  3. Step 3: Click on ‘Get Authorisation PIN’.
  4. Step 4: Click on ‘I agree’ after the disclaimer, and enter the OTP you received on the registered email id.

How can I check my old PF details?

EPF Balance Check By Missed Call By giving a missed call to 011-229014016 from the mobile number recorded on the UAN portal, you can also get specifics of your PF balance.

How can I find PF number by name?

How to do PF Account Number Search by Company Name. Step 1: Go to website. Step 2: Enter your company name & there is no need to enter a code number. After entering the company name type the captcha and click on search.

What is PF account number and UAN number?

The universal account number (UAN), unlike the PF account number, is a one-of-a-kind number assigned to each employee. No matter how many organizations an employee works for, he or she is only allowed to have one UAN. The 12-digit UAN remains the same as an employee switches employers.

Is member ID and PF account number Same?

Member ID is same as PF number earlier. So you would have as many Member ID as the number of employers who contributed to EPFO on your behalf. Member ID or PF Account Number is in the format given below. PF Account Number may not have Extension code.

What is the employee PF account number?

The Universal Account Number or UAN is a 12-digit unique number assigned to every employee contributing to the EPF.

What is member ID number?

The Member ID is the unique identifier for your organization’s membership and is given to your company’s administrator. All of your membership details, including your company’s member ID, are available in your account on the membership page. Go to your account.

How many digits is the PF account number?

PF account number is a 22 digit unique number, the first 2 letters are “region code”, the next 3 letters are “office code”, & next 7 digits are “establishment registration code”, & the next 3 Zeroes are “establishment extension” & last 7 digits are PF member id of the employee.

What is 7 digit PF account number?

The last seven digits of the EPF account number represents the Member ID. The Member ID can be a maximum of 7 digits. Once all the above details are entered, the employee must enter his/her name, date of birth, mobile number, and captcha details.

How does a UAN number look like?

Universal Account Number (UAN) is a 12 digit number which is provided to each member of the Employees’ Provided Fund Organisation (EPFO) through which he can manage his PF accounts. This number is issued by the Ministry of Employment and Labour under the Government of India.

How can I get universal account number?

  1. Visit the Member e-Sewa on the EPFO portal.
  2. Click on Active UAN under the Important Links section.
  3. Now, click on the Aadhaar option and then enter your Aadhaar number.
  4. Enter your name, date of birth, mobile number, and CAPTCHA code.
  5. Hit the Get Authorization Pin button.

How can I know my UAN number without mobile number?

You can recover forgot UAN number by giving a missed call to ✆ 011-22901406 (or) by using the “know your UAN option” on the UAN portal (or) by contacting your HR department (or) by checking your payslips. If you are not able to find your forgot UAN by missed call then you can find it online on the UAN member portal.

How can I find my old UAN number?

Visit UAN Member Portal and click on Know your UAN tab. Now verify your number with OTP and after that, you will be asked to enter anyone details from PAN, Aadhaar, and Member ID. Simply enter the required details and you will get your UAN number.

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