What is ironic about the bunk Ender got?

What is ironic about the bunk Ender got?

Expert Answers Because Ender broke another child’s arm during the flight, he is detained, and when he gets to the bunkroom, all the bunks are taken except for the one closest to the door; the others resent Ender because he has been singled out by Graff as special.

What is ironic about the image of Ender taking Colonel Graff’s hand?

What is ironic about Colonel Graff taking Ender’s hand? The act of holding someone’s hand means the person loves and will protect the one he is holding hands with. Graff does not love Ender, and he has no intention of protecting him.

How does Ender stop Bernard’s attempt to be ruler of the room and why is he happy about it?

How does Ender stop Bernard’s attempt to be “ruler of the room,” and why is he happy about it? Ender uses his intelligence instead of violence and breaks the security system used on the desks. He sends messages to all the desks making fun of Bernard and signs them “God.”

How does Ender stop the boys from bothering him?

Once in Battle School Ender and his fellow launch mates (called Launchies) find their bunks and Dap introduces himself to them. Ender has to focus not to let the pain and sadness bother him and so he counts powers of two. He makes it to 67108864 before he loses track and by that point his mind is clear.

What is surprising and ironic about Peter apologizing to Ender?

What is surprising and ironic about Peter apologizing to Ender? Ender sees Peter’s silhouette and fears Peter will kill him. Instead, Peter apologizes and tells Ender he loves him. After the threats and cruel game playing, one would expect violence from Peter, not a profession of love.

What is Ender’s weakness?

Main Character and their conflict. Ender has strengths and weaknesses. One of his strengths are that he is very smart, but that can be a weakness because it makes him isolated also. Another one of his strengths are that he is very strong, but his weakness is that he can’t control his strength.

Why is Ender’s Game a banned book?

The reason Ender’s Game was first banned is because it was placed on a “hit list” of “evil books” by a Baptist group many years ago, and it was placed on that list for no other reason than that I’m a Mormon, and therefore no children should be reading a book by me.

Why can ender see Valentine?

How come Ender is able to see Valentine? Instead of beating Peter, Ender wants Peter to… He’s jealous that Demosthenes is the one getting all the power and wants Locke to get it so he could take over. She feels that she’s becoming Demosthenes and is afraid of this as she doesn’t actually believe in his views.

Why won’t the pilot of the ship be able to leave once he arrives?

Graff and Ender go by space shuttle to the Inter-Planetary Launch space station and grab a tug to take them to the secret IF Command School on the asteroid Eros. (And because it’s secret, the captain of that ship won’t be able to leave until the war is over.

What is Peter’s greatest gift?

Now if you mean a gift like gifting – a personality strength – then you could answer that Peter’s best gift is the art of genius manipulation. He is gifted in figuring out what others fear most – and using it against them (I believe this is in Chapter 9).

Why do Peter and Valentine need false identities?

Why do Peter and Valentine need false identities on the nets? Because Peter threatened to tell the world that Valentine was Demosthenes. Because Demosthenes is her secret identity and her father knows who she is now.

Why doesn’t Graff stop the boy from hitting ender on the head what happens to the boy?

Graff doesn’t stop the boy hitting Ender on the head because he wanted to test his abilities that were no longer on Earth. The boy breaks his arm. Why does Graff intended to isolate Ender from the others.

What did Anderson say ender will become?

However, he is determined to be Bean’s friend, even if his soldier does not know it. Anderson tells Ender that he can no longer hold his informal practices, and Ender realizes that things are to be different now that he is a commander.

How does Ender eventually win?

Ender is able to get past the Giant’s Drink by breaking the rules—he chooses not to choose a drink and instead attacks the giant. He did this mostly because he was so angry at how unfair the game was, but the novel establishes a paradox by showing that the only way Ender can win is by breaking the rules.

Why are adults the real enemies in Ender’s Game?

The adults are the enemy because they are the puppet masters that are tricking, controlling, and manipulating a bunch of children. To men like Graff, Anderson, and even Mazer Rackham, the children are basically tools. Individual human beings are all tools, that the others use to help us all survive.

Did Ender kill Stilson?

Ender watched, and learned that he killed both Stilson and Bonzo.

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