How do you say grandfather in South Africa?

How do you say grandfather in South Africa?

Family words in Afrikaans

grandparents grootouers
grandfather oupa
grandmother ouma
grandchildren kleinkinders

What does nors mean in Afrikaans?

Afrikaans English
nors austere; beetle‐browed; blunt; cantankerous; crabbed; cross; crusty; dour; grim; grim‐faced; gruff; grumpish; grumpy; harsh; ill‐tempered; loury; moody; morose; peevish; rugged; sour; stuffy; sulky; sullen; surly
norserig gruffish

How do you say Grandma in Africa?

The Swahili word for grandmother is Bibi.

What does Ken mean in Afrikaans?

Word. Ken. Afrikaans Meaning. ken. range of what one can know or understand; beyond my ken / range of what one can know or understand / To know / range of knowledge / one’s range of knowledge or sight. /

What is the difference between Ken and weet in Afrikaans?

@Bornaforeigner weet is used for something you know. For example, i know it will rain. And ken is for example a location or a person something like that.

What is the meaning of weet in English?

Wiktionary. weetverb. To know. Etymology: Representing a Middle English variant of wit (verb).

What does WEAT mean?


Acronym Definition
WEAT Work Experience and Training (Utah)
WEAT Wahl Education and Artistic Team
WEAT Web Enabled Analysis Tool
WEAT Water Environment Association of Texas

Is weet a real word?

(archaic) To know.

What does weet weet mean?

1 dialectal, England : the common European sandpiper. 2 dialectal : spotted sandpiper.

How do you use weet in a sentence?

Like the cat, fain fish wad ye eat, but ye are laith to weet your feet. So Mike for all he was weet to the skin, set off to look for Amos. E’ening grey and a morning red, put on your hat or ye’ll weet your head.

Is weet a Scrabble word?

Yes, weet is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is WEAT a Scrabble word?

WEAT is not a valid scrabble word.

Is weel a Scrabble word?

Yes, weel is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Greek a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, greek is in the scrabble dictionary.

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