What language is Pragtig?

What language is Pragtig?

Afrikaans English
pragtig beautiful; famously; glorious; gorgeous; grand; magnificent; palatial; proud; rare; splendent; splendid; stately; stunning; sumptuous; superb

What is Pragtige?

Here is pragtige meaning in English: gorgeous. lovely. beautiful. magnificent.

What is the adjective for Pragtig?

beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent.

What is another word for Swaarkry in Afrikaans?


Afrikaans English
1. swaarkry adversity
2. swaarkry hardship
3. swaarkry suffering

What is another word for Bekend in Afrikaans?

Afrikaans English
bekend acquainted; cognizant; conversant; known; on record; out
bekendmaak met induct; let into
bekend met conversant with
bekend vir known for

What is the meaning of Deftig?

coarse, crude, gross solid, substantial, hefty sharp, hefty good, solid solid, strong, hefty huge, hefty. coarse. deftig Witz, Worte etc. crude.

What is the synonym of Deftig?

defroster, defrosting, defs., deft, defter, deftly, deftness, deftones, defu, defugalty.

What is the synonym for Brekfis in Afrikaans?

Noun. brekfis (plural brekfisse) breakfast Synonym: ontbyt.

What is the meaning of Antonieme?

noun. antonym [noun] (linguistics) a word opposite in meaning to another word.

What are the 50 examples of antonyms?

Antonym Examples

Achieve – Fail Giant – Dwarf Random – Specific
Arrive – Depart Innocent – Guilty Simple – Complicated
Arrogant – Humble Knowledge – Ignorance Single – Married
Attack – Defend Liquid – Solid Sunny – Cloudy
Blunt – Sharp Marvelous – Terrible Timid – Bold

What collocation means?

: the act or result of placing or arranging together the collocation of atoms specifically : a noticeable arrangement or conjoining of linguistic elements (such as words) “To save time” and “make the bed” are common collocations.

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