Which word derives from the Dutch word for excellence?

Which word derives from the Dutch word for excellence?

uitstekendheid; voortreffelijkheid; uitnemendheid.

What is excellent in French?

French translation of ‘excellent!’ ⧫ parfait !

How do you say very good?

Choose — and use — one of these 99+ ways to say “Very Good” to your students.

  1. You’re on the right track now!
  2. You’ve got it made.
  3. Super!
  4. That’s right!
  5. That’s good.
  6. You’re really working hard today.
  7. You are very good at that.
  8. That’s coming along nicely.

How do you say very good in many ways?

Ways to Say Very Good

  • Perfect!
  • Super!
  • Exactly rights.
  • Fantastic.
  • Fine!
  • Great!
  • Congratulations!
  • Wonderful.

What’s a better word than phenomenal?

exceptional, extraordinary, remarkable, outstanding, amazing, astonishing, astounding, stunning, staggering, marvellous, magnificent, wonderful, sensational, breathtaking, miraculous, singular. incredible, unbelievable, inconceivable, unimaginable, uncommon, unheard of.

How do you say all good in different ways?

What is another word for all good?

it’s all good don’t worry about it
it’s fine no biggie
no prob no problem
no probs no worries
not at all it’s all right

What is a female leader called?

captain; woman-leader; forewoman; chief.

What are the best words to describe a woman?

Empowering Words for Strong Woman:

busty buxom calm
appreciative artistic artsy
ambitious angelic appreciated
all-American alluring amazing
adventurous affectionate agreeable

What is the female word for warrior?

What is another word for female warrior?

woman warrior Amazon
female soldier warrioress
shieldmaiden warrior woman

How do you describe a middle aged woman?

Here are some adjectives for middle-aged woman: stiffly slim, slightly obese, remarkably gowned, stout but attractive, furtively unconventional, fairly generic, stout but handsome, stout and severe, somewhat stout, respectable and well-known, respectable and respectful, slightly dumpy, rather severe-looking, immensely …

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