Is Nikki a Spanish name?

Is Nikki a Spanish name?

How to Pronounce Nikki in Spanish (Maxico)? In English is would be Meshico. An audio pronunciation of name Nikki in Spanish Mexico. Name translation in different languages like Portuguese, Italian, Norwegian, Welsh, Slovak, German, Czech and many more languages.

What is Nikki short for?

Nikki is a given name. It is commonly a nickname for Nikolina, Nicole, Nicola, Nicholas, Nikita or Veronica.

What is the most common way to spell Nikki?

Correct spelling for the English word “Nikki” is [nˈɪki], [nˈɪki], [n_ˈɪ_k_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for NIKKI

  • nix,
  • Nickie,
  • Niki,
  • Nicki,
  • Nikia,
  • nicks,
  • nisi,
  • nike.

What is the full name for Nikki?


What does Nicola mean?

people of victory

Is Nicola a rare name?

Nicola headed the charts for baby girls for much of the 1970s but it was never as big as David was for boys. It has dropped from almost 1,000 in 1974 to just three in 2019, the same as Tallulah. Karen, the second most popular name in 1974, fared even worse, with just two babies being given the name in 2019.

What nationality is Nicola?


Is Nicola a unisex name?

The name Nicola is a girl’s name of Italian, Greek origin meaning “people of victory”. Nicola was and still is a unisex name in Italy: one historic bearer Nicola Pisano was a renowned and influential thirteenth century sculptor, Nikola Tesla an eminent inventor.

Is Nicola male or female?

The name Nicola derived from the Greek name Nikolaos (Νικόλαος) and is a masculine name in Italy, but a feminine name in England and Germany.

Is Nicola a good name?

According to National Record Scotland, Nicola was the top girls’ name in 1974, and one of the top four girls’ names in every year until 1988. Nicola was last in the girls’ Top 100 in 2002, when it was joint 80th. In 2019 only three babies were named Nicola, placing the name at 765th place.

How do you say Nicola in Spanish?

The variant Nicolás (Spanish pronunciation: [nikoˈlas]) is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries.

How do you say Nicola in Irish?

Nicola in Irish is Nioiclín.

What is Amy Irish?

Amy in Irish is Éimí.

What does Nicole mean in Irish?

Answer. Nicole in Irish is Nioiclín.

What is Jessica in Irish?

Answer. Jessica in Irish is Sinéad.

What is a nickname for Jessica?

Common Nicknames Jessica is often shortened to Jess, Jessa, Jessie, or Jessy.

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