What are the symbols in the birthmark?
The predominant symbol in the story is Georgiana’s birthmark, which is a small red mark resembling a hand print in the middle of her cheek. The birthmark symbolizes human mortality and the imperfection of human nature. For Aylmer, Georgiana came “nearly perfect from the hand of Nature” (421).
What does the birthmark symbolize in the birthmark?
Georgiana’s birthmark symbolizes mortality. According to the narrator, every living thing is flawed in some way, nature’s way of reminding us that every living thing eventually dies.
What happens when Aylmer remove the birthmark?
One night she reminds him of a dream he had. Aylmer remembers dreaming that he had removed the birthmark with a knife, plunging down until he had reached his wife’s heart, which he decided to cut out. Georgiana says that she will risk her life to have the birthmark erased.
What does the removal of the birthmark signify?
As her “sole token of human imperfection,” the mark allows her to continue living on the earthly plane. Its removal kills her because she becomes too perfect for the world of flawed humans.
Who does Brown meet first in the dark woods?
Who does Brown meet in the woods? Why dpes this figure appear the way they do in terms of clothing/ mannerism. Brown meets man in dark woods.
What happens when Brown calls out to faith to look to heaven?
What happens when Brown calls out to Faith to look to heaven rather than partake of the unholy ceremony? “He is taken away waking up and the reader wonders if this was all a dream.” He has no faith/trust in his bellow beings. His curse from the devil.”
Who attends the satanic coven in the woods?
Who attends the satanic coven in the woods, i.e., what sort of people? The people that are at the Satanic coven in the woods are a mixture of religious people and sinners. It seems like the whole town is there. What happens when Brown calls out to Faith to look to heaven rather than partake of the unholy ceremony?
What is carved on Brown’s tombstone when he dies?
What is carved on Brown’s tombstone when he dies? Nothing is carved as his last hour was gloom. He got what the devil gifted him was the ability to see the evil in all people.23