What does Yenta mean in Swedish?

What does Yenta mean in Swedish?

yentanoun. a woman who meddles in the business of others; a busybody; a woman gossip; a gossipmonger.

Where does the word Yenta come from?

Yenta or Yente (Yiddish: יענטע‎) is a Yiddish women’s given name. It is a variant form of the name Yentl, which ultimately is thought to be derived from the Italian word gentile, meaning ‘noble’ or ‘refined’.

Is there a male version of Yenta?

The correct term for a Jewish matchmaker is shadchanit for a woman, shadchan for a man.

What is the female word for mensch?

Mensch is gender neutral, in modern usage. See: Can a woman be a mensch? The question is misconceived. A MENTSH מענטש in Yiddish (and also as a loanword in English) means a person (especially a praiseworthy, compassionate and responsible one) of either sex, so there’s no need of a “female equivalent”.

Is Mensch a compliment?

The key to being ‘a real mensch’ is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous.” The term is used as a high compliment, implying the rarity and value of that individual’s qualities.

What is the meaning of Oy gevalt?

: oh, violence! — used to express shock or amazement.

What is a Machiah?

Micaiah (Hebrew: מיכיהו Mikay’hu “Who is like Yah?”), son of Imlah, is a prophet in the Hebrew Bible. He is one of the four disciples of Elijah and not to be confused with Micah, prophet of the Book of Micah.

What was micaiah prophecy?

prophecy in books of Kings Kings, chapter 22, another prophet, Micaiah, prophesied to Ahab and to King Jehoshaphat of Judah who were preparing for battle against the Syrians that in a vision he saw “all Israel scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd.” Micaiah was put in prison to test the validity…

What is the holy tongue?

Hebrew is often called the “holy tongue” because it is the language of the Hebrew Bible, most synagogue worship, and, according to ancient tradition, Creation itself. In some places, Jews used specifically Jewish languages at home such as Yiddish or Ladino.

Is Yiddish the same as Hebrew?

Hebrew is a Semitic language (a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic languages, languages spoken across the Middle East), while Yiddish is a German dialect which integrates many languages, including German, Hebrew, Aramaic, and various Slavic and Romance languages.

What does the word Schmendrick mean?

Schmendrick (שמענדריק) is Yiddish for an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person (OED), and may refer to: Shmendrik oder Die komishe Chaseneh (Schmendrik or The Comical Wedding), an 1877 play by Abraham Goldfaden.

Is the Torah in Yiddish or Hebrew?

It can most specifically mean the first five books (Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses) of the Hebrew Bible, namely (in their commonly used names) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is known in the Jewish tradition as the Written Torah.

Is Yiddish written in Hebrew?

Yiddish is the language of the Ashkenazim, central and eastern European Jews and their descendants. Written in the Hebrew alphabet, it became one of the world’s most widespread languages, appearing in most countries with a Jewish population by the 19th century.

What is the language of Yiddish?

The basic grammar and vocabulary of Yiddish, which is written in the Hebrew alphabet, is Germanic. Yiddish, however, is not a dialect of German but a complete language‚ one of a family of Western Germanic languages, that includes English, Dutch, and Afrikaans.

How much of Yiddish is German?

In regard to Yiddish vocabulary, it is estimated that the Germanic element makes up some 70 to 75% of the overall lexicon. The remaining 15 to 20% of words come from Hebrew, while the Slavic element is estimated at 10 to 15% (an additional few percentage points come from early Romance origin).

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