What are other names for ugly?

What are other names for ugly?

Synonyms & Antonyms of ugly

  • grotesque,
  • hideous,
  • homely,
  • ill-favored,
  • monstrous,
  • unappealing,
  • unattractive,
  • unbeautiful,

What is a nice way to say ugly?

What is another word for ugly?

hideous unattractive
repellent vile
grim foul
awful frightful
horrible disagreeable

What is a euphemism one might use to describe someone that is unattractive?

1) Closer to one (on a 1-to-10 scale) 2) Gives poor face. 3) Did not win the genetic lottery. 4) Such a lovely personality. 5) Unfortunate looking.

What is the synonym and antonym for ugly?

ugly. Antonyms: attractive, fair, seemly, shapely, beautiful, handsome. Synonyms: loathsome, hideous, hateful, frightful, uncouth, ill-favored, unsightly, ill-looking, plain, homely, deformed, monstrous, ungainly.

What is opposite word for ugly?

Word. Antonym. Ugly. Beautiful, Handsome, Pretty.

Does weird mean ugly?

As adjectives the difference between ugly and weird is that ugly is displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing while weird is connected with fate or destiny; able to influence fate.

What is the difference between ugly and unattractive?

As adjectives the difference between unattractive and ugly is that unattractive is not handsome or beautiful or appealing while ugly is displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing.

How do you say ugly girl in Spanish?

How to say “Ugly” in Spanish (Feo)

Who made the word ugly?

The word ‘ugly’ is medieval in origin. It’s from Old Norse and it means to be feared or dreaded.

How old is the word ugly?

Ugly appeared in the mid 13th century from an Old Norse word uggligr (“dreadful, fearful”), which itself is from uggr (“fear, apprehension, dread” (perhaps related to agg “strife, hate”)) + –ligr (“-like”).

What does ugly mean in text?

UGLY. Unique, Gifted, Lovable You.

What is the example of ugly?

The definition of ugly is someone or something that is visually unpleasing, or something that is threatening. An example of an ugly person is someone who is very unattractive and unpleasant to look at. An example of an ugly attitude is a person who is mean and pessimistic all the time.

What does the word ugly mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : offensive to the sight : hideous. b : offensive or unpleasant to any sense. 2 : morally offensive or objectionable corruption—the ugliest stain of all.

What does I want your ugly mean?

I want your ugly, I want your disease” means I want the ugly and diseased sides of your personality, because your bad sides make everything more passionate.

What does ugly on the inside mean?

Generally though, the statement implies that an individual is unattractive both on a superficial (external looks) as well as on a deeper more ethereal level, being that of tour “inner being.” It stems from sayings and notions that who you (or any individual) are on the ‘inside’ is the real you!

What is the message of bad romance?

Gaga explained that she generally felt lonely when she was involved in a relationship and that she was attracted to men with whom romance never works. “Bad Romance” explores her preference for such lonely relationships and her poor choice in men. Gaga wrote the lyrics in Norway on her tour bus.

What does I want your revenge mean?

revenge Add to list Share. Someone seeking revenge is looking to retaliate for a wrong that has been done. You can take revenge (noun) on someone who hurt you, or you can revenge (verb) the hurt, punishing the person who wronged you.

Is avenge same as revenge?

To avenge is to punish a wrongdoing with the intent of seeing justice done. Revenge can be used as a noun or a verb. It is more personal, less concerned with justice and more about retaliation by inflicting harm.

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