Which countries rejected the European constitution?

Which countries rejected the European constitution?

Spain was the first country to hold a referendum on the Constitution. On 20 February 2005, Spanish voters backed the treaty with 76% voting in favour to 24% against, on a turnout of 43%. On 29 May 2005 the French people rejected the Constitution by margin of 55% to 45% on a turnout of 69%.

Which country opted out of European Union?

However, occasionally member states negotiate certain opt-outs from legislation or treaties of the European Union, meaning they do not have to participate in certain policy areas. Currently, three states have such opt-outs: Denmark (three opt-outs), Republic of Ireland (two opt-outs) and Poland (one opt-out).

Why did Norway reject the EU?

Norway has high GNP per capita, and would have to pay a high membership fee. The country has a limited amount of agriculture, and few underdeveloped areas, which means that Norway would receive little economic support from the EU.

Why did France reject the EU constitution?

The issue of the Constitution had caused considerable divisions within the party, with many members—although broadly in favour of European integration—opposing the Constitution for reasons including a perceived lack of democratic accountability, and the threat they considered it posed to the European social model.

Why is the Netherlands rejecting referendums?

Official results say that 61.6% of voters rejected the Constitution, on a turnout of 63.3%. The question put to voters was: Because all EU member states needed to ratify the treaty for it to take effect, some regarded the Dutch referendum as irrelevant.

Does European Union has its own constitution?

The fact that the EU’s founding Treaties may be characterized as a “Constitutional Charter” could lead one to describe them as “a Constitution”. Actually, the founding Treaties reflect the fact that the EU, which derives its authority from its Member States, lacks some of the essential characteristics of a State.

Why is there a European constitution?

The European Constitution defines the values, fundamental objectives and spheres of action of the European Union and puts in place the machinery whereby its institutions can operate. In determining the Union’s powers, it also sets the boundaries which it must not overstep.

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