What are the upcoming Tnpsc exams 2021?

What are the upcoming Tnpsc exams 2021?

This TNPSC exams calendar applicable for the exams to be held during 2021-2022….TNPSC Annual Planner 2021 to 2022.

SNo Name of the Post / Recruitment/ Service Notification
32 Bursar in Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service September 2021
33 Combined Civil Service Examination IV (Group IV & VAO) September 2021

When can I apply for Tnpsc 2021?

TNPSC Departmental Exams 2021: Apply before 28 May; visit tnpsc.gov.in for details. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has released a notification regarding the announcement of the Departmental Examination 2021. Interested candidates can apply from 1 May till 28 May.

What are the upcoming Tnpsc exams?

Upcoming TNPSC Exams 2021 – Updated Dates, Annual Planner, Latest News, Registration

S No Name of the Post/ Recruitment/ Service Tentative Month
10 Combined Engineering Service Examination April
11 Combined Statistics Service Examination April
12 Assistant Director Of Co-Operative Audit In Tamil Nadu Co-Operative Service April

Is Tnpsc Group 4 exam conducted every year?

TNPSC Group 4 Recruitment: The Tamil Nadu Public Services Commission (TNPSC) the the sole agency which conducts the Group IV exam to recruit candidates directly in group 4 services every year. The exam is conducted in offline mode, followed by the document verification.

What is the salary for Tnpsc Group 4?

Ans. The TNPSC Group 4 appointed candidates will be paid a salary of Rs. 19,500 to 65,500/- depending upon the post they are applying for.

Which is the best post in Tnpsc Group 4?

TNPSC Group 4 Posts and Salary

SL No Name of the Posts Grade Pay
3 Junior Assistant (Security) Rs.19,500 – 62,000/- (Level 8)
4 Bill Collector, Grade-I Rs.19,500 – 62,000/- (Level 8)
5 Field Surveyor Rs.19,500 – 62,000/- (Level 8)
6 Draftsman Rs.19,500 – 62,000/- (Level 8)

What is the salary for Tnpsc Group 1?

When the Salary is concerned, these Top level Officers get the Scale of Pay of Rs. 15600 – 39100/ with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/(PB-3).

Which is best bank or Tnpsc?

You better prefer TNPSC. Main reasons are the work pressure in banks are much more than a government job. The second reason is you are having better promotional opportunities in the government sector than in nationalised banks because the competition for promotion in the banking sector is very high !!

Which job is best railway or bank?

Railway pays good salary along with basic pay employees enjoy benefits of Grade Pay, Dearness Allowance, Travel Allowance, House Rent Allowance ,medical allowances and many more. Railway jobs are recession free and has no pay cuts.

What is the highest paid job in railway?

Railway highest salary Post Group A Name or Salary

  • Post Of engineering Services. Service of Engineering. Mechanical service engineering. Electrical Services Engineering. Service of signal engineering. Stores Service.
  • Medical Services Posts. Indian Railway medical Services.
  • Civil Services Posts.

Which job is best in railway?

Railway Jobs for B.Tech Final Year Candidates and Engineering Graduates

  • Deputy General Manager.
  • Station Controller.
  • Junior computer operator.
  • Customer Relations Assistant.
  • Junior Engineer etc.
  • Executive Engineers.
  • Assistant Executive Engineers.
  • Superintendent Mechanical Engineers.

What is loco pilot salary?

RRB ALP Salary
Grade Pay 1900
Payscale Rs. 19,900
Assistant Loco Pilot Salary (inclusive of allowances) Rs.35,000 (Approx)

What is the highest salary of loco pilot?

The highest salary for a a Loco Pilot in India is ₹83,642 per month. What is the lowest salary for a a Loco Pilot in India? The lowest salary for a a Loco Pilot in India is ₹19,900 per month.

Can 12th pass apply loco pilot?

If your aim to be a loco pilot,then you may pursue 2 years I.T.I or Diploma /Degree in mechanical/electrical/electronics/automobile Engineering.As you said you have completed 12 the then better you go for Diploma or degree in engineering.

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