Can you use cherry flavored magnesium citrate?
Two (2) bottles of magnesium citrate (10 ounce). Do not purchase red (cherry flavor).
Can I use magnesium citrate for colonoscopy prep?
Drink 15 fluid ounces (a bottle and a half) of lemon or lime flavored Magnesium Citrate. To improve the taste, chill it ahead of time. Immediately after drinking Magnesium Citrate, drink at least 2 to 3 eight ounce glasses of clear liquids.
Can you drink flavored water before a colonoscopy?
CLEAR LIQUIDS INCLUDE: water, chicken/beef/vegetable broth, flavored waters, apple juice, Jell-O, Kool-Aid, coffee, tea, Sprite, Gatorade, PowerAde, Mountain Dew, Coke/Pepsi, Rootbeer, and Slurpee’s. DO NOT DRINK milk or use any dairy or non-dairy creamer in your coffee or tea.
What is the best flavor for colonoscopy drink?
Add flavor to your colonoscopy prep drink. A bit of ginger or lemon can also help. Oral sodium phosphate can be mixed with a clear soft drink.
What happens if I can’t finish my colonoscopy prep?
If you can’t finish the bowel prep, let the doctor’s office know. Better to cancel and reschedule the appointment than to have an incomplete colonoscopy because your colon wasn’t empty.
Why is my bowel prep not working?
Different people respond differently to the bowel prep. If you have waited more than 3 hours without a response, then it may not be working well. Be sure you are drinking enough fluid. If that doesn’t work, drink the second part of your prep and continue to drink fluids.
Can you stop colonoscopy prep when clear?
Continue drinking clear liquids even after you’ve finished the prep, as tolerated. Extra fluids will continue to clean out your colon and keep you hydrated. Your prep is adequate if you’re passing clear, yellow fluid without sediment.
How long after taking Colonoscopy Prep does it start working?
Most colonoscopy prep products start working two to three hours after they are taken, although the exact time-frame varies between medications. In some cases, if bowel movements do not begin to occur when expected, an extra dose may be needed.
How do you know if colonoscopy prep worked?
How Do You Know When Your Prep Is Working? The stool coming out should look like the stuff you are eating and drinking – clear and without many particles. You know you’re done when the stool coming out is yellow, light, liquid and clear – like urine.
What is the best way to drink colonoscopy prep without vomiting?
Drinking some cold water along with the prep liquid may also help. If you already have an anti-nausea medication at home and have tolerated it in the past, you can try taking a dose.
Why do I feel sick after colonoscopy?
Belly Pain or Discomfort They might use water or a suction device as well as certain surgical tools to take off a polyp. All these things can move and stretch your colon, so you might feel uncomfortable for 1 or 2 days afterward. The sedatives may also make you nauseated.
Is orange Gatorade OK for colonoscopy prep?
You can only drink clear liquids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. See the list of clear liquids in this packet. Avoid red, orange and purple colored Jell-O and Gatorade. This discolors your stool and interferes with the colonoscopy.