Which two sentences are written in the imperative mood?

Which two sentences are written in the imperative mood?

  • A, D and E are the sentences with an imperative mood.
  • Do your homework and clean your room, Megan, before you play video games – commanding aspect.
  • You need to eat at least 5 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables each day.

Do your homework now verb mood?

The imperative mood expresses direct commands, prohibitions, and requests. In the imperative mood, the subject is almost always implied to be “you.” Do your homework now.

What is the verb mood?

Mood is the form of the verb that shows the mode or manner in which a thought is expressed. 1. Indicative Mood: expresses an assertion, denial, or question: Little Rock is the capital of Arkansas. Subjunctive Mood: expresses doubt or something contrary to fact.

What are the 3 moods?

In English the three primary moods are indicative, imperative, and subjunctive.

What are the 4 moods?

Indicative, imperative, subjunctiveand infinitive are the four moods of English verbs. All manners and moods are expressed through these four verbs. While verb tenses (present, past and future) are used to talk about time, the four mood verbs show states, attitudes and reality.

What is general mood?

Here’s a quick and simple definition: The mood of a piece of writing is its general atmosphere or emotional complexion—in short, the array of feelings the work evokes in the reader. Every aspect of a piece of writing can influence its mood, from the setting and the imagery to the author’s word choice and tone.

What emotion is like hope?

It is also generally accepted that happiness is an emotion and that hope and optimism are not (at least not fundamental emotions). Hope and optimism differ in that hope is situation specific (specific condition) and contingent upon one’s own abilities (internal condition).

What is the power of hope?

The power of hope defines the psychological victim and psychological survivor. Hope is the belief that circumstances will get better. It’s not a wish for things to get better — it’s the actual belief, the knowledge that things will get better, no matter how big or small.

Is hope the strongest emotion?

Hope is the strongest emotion in the universe, as everything you do or plan for has a foundation in the hope that these things will happen. Without hope, we come to a standstill.

Is hope stronger than fear?

A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is just fine as long as its contained.”

What is the strongest positive emotion?


What is stronger fear or hope?

They both are strong, but fear is stronger. Fear is an emotion that causes you to lose many of your senses due to certain conditions, and become a person beyond what you normally are. Fear controls people more than hope. Hope just adds to your other ideas in your mind, while fear takes control of them.

Why is a lot of hope Dangerous?

6. Hope can be a tool of self-deception. Such excessively aspirational hope isn’t only irrational, it’s also imprudent and can at times be dangerous. For it can increase the risk that you’ll get into more trouble than you might already be in.

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